
Stress can become a problem when you experience it for a long time and has a negative impact on your life.

  10 Juni 2024 11:21 - stated that the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas), showed that more than 19 million people aged over 15 years experienced mental emotional disorders . Of that number, more than 12 million people aged over 15 years experience depression.

In fact, stress is a natural condition felt by every human being. For this reason, emotional intelligence is needed in managing stress. Stress can become a problem when you experience it for a long time and has a negative impact on your life.

Prolonged stress can affect the condition of your brain. Prolonged stress can have a significant impact on brain condition and cognitive function. When a person experiences chronic stress, their body produces high amounts of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. This increase in stress hormones can cause physical and chemical changes in the brain that can affect various aspects of brain function.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that stress can be dangerous if it drags on. So, therefore you must know the symptoms, causes and ways to deal with stress, as reported by from various sources, Monday (10/6).

Stress symptoms

Prolonged stress affects the brain condition


Stress symptoms can vary from one individual to another. However, there are several general signs that often appear when someone experiences excessive emotional or physical stress. From muscle tension to sleep disorders, stress symptoms can significantly affect a person's physical and mental well-being.

Being aware of and understanding these symptoms can be an important first step in managing stress and improving overall well-being. Quoting from, the symptoms of stress experienced by humans are as follows:

- Restless, pale face, pounding heart.

- Difficulty sleeping or not sleeping soundly.

- Reduced appetite or overeating.

- Easily offended.

- Difficulty concentrating.

- There are complaints such as headaches, stomach aches, stomach aches, excessive sweating.

Causes of stress

Prolonged stress affects the brain condition


Causes of stress can vary from challenging everyday situations to sudden, life-changing events. From work pressure to financial problems, as well as complicated relationships, or even environmental changes.

Various factors can trigger a stress response in a person's life. Understanding the root causes of stress is an important first step in addressing and managing its impact on physical and mental well-being.

Reporting from can be a reference in analyzing the causes of stress as follows:

- Negative thoughts or feelings about yourself.

- Physical changes, for example the onset of puberty.

- Study load, for example tests or increasing homework over time.

- Problems with friends at school or social circles.

- Big changes, such as moving house, changing schools, or separating parents.

- Chronic illness, financial problems in the family, or death of someone close to you.

- Unsafe situation at home or surrounding environment.

How to deal with stress

Prolonged stress affects the brain condition


Stress often causes performance and performance to decline. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), here's how to deal with stress.

1. Maintain a daily routine

You can handle stress by spending time regularly in activities. You can set times for regular meals, time with family members, exercise, daily work, and other recreational activities.

2. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for the body and mind. Improves sleep, relaxes and rejuvenates your body and can help reverse the effects of stress. Good sleep habits can be done as follows:

- Be consistent with your sleep schedule.

- Make the sleeping area comfortable.

- Limit the use of electronic devices.

- Avoid large meals, caffeine and alcohol before bed.

- Exercise.

3. Connect with others

Stay in touch with family and friends and share your worries and feelings with people you trust. Connecting with other people can improve your mood and help reduce stress.

4. Eat healthy

What you eat and drink can affect your health. Try to eat a balanced diet and eat at regular intervals. Drink enough fluids. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables if you can.

5. Exercise regularly

Regular daily exercise can help reduce stress. This type of exercise includes walking, as well as more movement-intensive sports.
