foto: Instagram/@dennycagur

Just like most married couples, Denny and Shanty also had time to check their cok because of trivial problems.

  10 Juni 2024 04:00 - Every household has its own problems. Behind the harmony of marriage, there are bound to be problems that arise. It could be because of a trivial dispute, but it could also be a big problem because of each other's egos .

This is what happened to Denny Cagur and Shanty Widihastuti. The two of them once quarreled over the issue of fried eggs. This was what Shanty said when she was a guest star on the Chat Every Time talk show.

At that time, Shanty made the mistake of cooking fried eggs for Denny. Because the eggs he made were not what he wanted, Denny asked his wife to cook them again. However, at that time, both of them were upset.

"Taken like this. 'Not fried eggs like this! You know, I like to smash fried eggs with the eyes, break them'. So, what? 'Yes, make more, please!'," said Shanty, imitating her husband's words during an argument some time ago. Then.

Denny Cagur's wife fights with fried eggs  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dennycagur

With emotion, Shanty cooked the fried eggs that her husband had asked for. This feeling of annoyance made him even more emotional towards Denny.

"I went to the kitchen again, I made it again using emotion. It was ready, I was still poking the egg. I wanted to put it straight on the plate, right," he said, quoted by from TikTok @otwtrans7, Sunday (9/6).

Instead of immediately putting it on a plate, the 40-year-old woman asked her husband. In fact, her husband was ready to bring a plate to receive the side dishes.

"But I put it like this, he was holding a plate. 'Here the eggs are cooked, where do you put them?'" he said.

Denny, who also seemed to be provoked by emotion , actually pointed at the floor. As if asking a mother of three to put her eggs on the floor.

"Then he pointed to the floor, 'Just put it down if you dare', Sono pointed at the floor. Oh, you think I don't dare?" Shanty said.

Denny Cagur's wife fights with fried eggs  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dennycagur

Without hesitation, Shanty threw the egg on the floor. Denny also threw his plate which was filled with food. As a result, food in the form of kale, rice and eggs was scattered on the floor.

"Throw (the egg) on the floor. I threw it on the floor, he was holding it, there was water spinach, side dishes, other things, there were eggs from before. He threw the plate up. Where's the kale, where's the rice, where's the egg, " concluded Shanty.

"Finally their reunion," joked Denny, inviting laughter throughout the studio.

Even though the story is funny, many netizens sympathize with Shanty. The reason is that even though it sounds funny, when that moment happens it will definitely make you hurt.

"It's said to be funny, but when you experience it, it's definitely not very pleasant," said @ayu.lestarii3.

"Tea Santy has told this story so many times, maybe it really hurts and it hurts like that," said @mangeya0621.

"This is the first time the fried egg case is at stake in the household," said @alifa_cupa.

"Doesn't it really hurt to be Santi's tea? Yes, even though he was telling the story jokingly, the pain is really bad. Am I the one who's getting excited," said @gudeyyy4.

"He told me because it left an impression until I remembered... it must have hurt at that time," said @trifitria.27.
