
Recently, Lolly (Nikita Mirzani's daughter) admitted to using a test pack and the result was positive, but she was not pregnant.

  19 September 2024 08:30 - Test pack is a detection tool used to find out whether someone is pregnant or not by measuring the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in urine. The hCG hormone is produced by the placenta after embryo implantation in the uterus, so its presence in urine can be an early indicator of pregnancy.

This test is usually done by absorbing urine into a special part of the test pack, which will then show the results on the indicator or line on the test pack. If hCG is detected, the test pack will show a positive result. This test is usually done in the morning when the concentration of hCG in the urine is highest.

But unfortunately, in some cases test packs often show false results. There are several factors that can affect the results of this test, making it not always accurate. As experienced by Laura Meizani or who is familiarly called Lolly .

Recently, her name was again in the spotlight after it was reported that she was pregnant and had an abortion. Even so, she had time to provide clarification through her story on social media regarding the positive test pack. In her statement, she admitted that she had used a test pack and the result was indeed positive.

However, according to her, the results displayed were false because she was taking hormonal drugs. The reason is that since she was in the UK, she had difficulty menstruating so she was advised to take the drug. As a result, if you use a test pack, the results could be positive. If you look deeper, it turns out that false positive test packs can be caused by various factors.

What are they? Here is a complete review of the reasons why a positive test pack does not necessarily mean pregnancy , adapted by from various sources, Thursday (19/9)

The reason a positive test pack does not necessarily mean you are pregnant

The reason why a positive test pack does not necessarily mean you are pregnant  2024


Although a positive test pack is often interpreted as a sign of pregnancy, there are several reasons why the result does not necessarily mean that someone is actually pregnant.

1. High hCG hormone levels due to other medical factors.

Test packs function to detect the hCG hormone produced during pregnancy. However, hCG levels can also increase due to certain medical conditions, not just pregnancy. Some types of ovarian tumors or other health problems can cause increased hCG levels that may lead to false positive results on the test pack.

Research published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology explains that some tumors can produce hCG and cause a positive result on a pregnancy test even though there is no pregnancy.

2. Use of drugs containing the hCG hormone.

Medications containing the hormone hCG, such as fertility drugs or hCG injections used to stimulate ovulation, can affect test results. Increased hCG levels from these medications can cause a test to show a positive result even though there is no pregnancy.

A study in Fertility and Sterility revealed that the use of hCG in fertility treatment can affect the results of pregnancy tests, especially if the test is performed before the drug has completely left the body's system.

3. False positive results due to improper test pack.

The quality of the test pack plays an important role in determining the accuracy of the test results. Test packs that are expired, damaged, or not used according to instructions can produce inaccurate results. This includes false positive results, where the test pack shows two lines even though there is no pregnancy. The Journal of Clinical Pathology states that various factors, including improper storage and use of test packs, can affect the accuracy of pregnancy test results.

4. Chemical pregnancy condition.

A chemical pregnancy or biochemical pregnancy occurs when an embryo begins to develop but does not survive. In this condition, hCG levels can be high enough to produce a positive test result, but the pregnancy does not progress further and ends within the first few weeks.

The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology explains that biochemical pregnancy can cause false positive results on pregnancy tests, because hCG is detected even though a pregnancy is not occurring.

5. Ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy is a condition in which the embryo develops outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. Although an ectopic pregnancy can produce high enough hCG levels to produce a positive test result, it requires immediate medical attention.

Obstetrics & Gynecology states that an ectopic pregnancy can produce a positive result on a test pack, but requires further medical examination for confirmation and proper treatment.

6. Just had a miscarriage.

After a miscarriage, the hCG hormone can remain in the blood and urine for up to six weeks after the pregnancy ends. This can cause a pregnancy test to show a false positive.

If the test pack result remains positive after a miscarriage, it is possible that the remaining tissue in the uterus that is still producing hCG has not been completely removed. In such cases, a curettage procedure may be needed to remove the remaining tissue.

7. Evaporation line.

Two positive lines on a pregnancy test pack are usually brightly colored, such as pink, red, or blue. Sometimes, a second line that looks faint can also be an indication of pregnancy. However, if two lines appear on the test pack but are not colored, it may be an evaporation line.

The evaporation lines often look like two positive lines, but they have actually faded due to evaporation, and do not always indicate pregnancy. This condition may be caused by hormonal factors, but it is not a valid sign of pregnancy. To avoid confusion with evaporation lines, always follow the instructions for using the test pack as stated on the packaging.
