
Prospective mothers must know this.

  14 Agustus 2024 08:45 - For couples planning a pregnancy, a pregnancy test is a very important tool. However, many are still confused about how to use a pregnancy test correctly. This confusion often leads to inaccurate or difficult to interpret results.

How to use a pregnancy test is actually not as complicated as imagined, but it requires a good understanding. Adapting from the Better Health page, pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in urine or blood. This hormone is produced by the placenta, an organ that provides oxygen and nutrients from the mother's bloodstream to a growing baby.

Well, this pregnancy test utilizes the ability to detect HCG in the mother's urine or blood, so that the results can indicate whether someone is pregnant or not. So how do you use a test pack correctly? So that you don't make a mistake, let's look at the review below! Reported by from various sources, Tuesday (13/8).

How to use a pregnancy test.

How to use a pregnancy test  2024


1. First, collect urine in a small container. You can use the container provided or another clean container.

2. Dip the test strip into the urine, or use a test strip that can be placed under the urine stream. Make sure the test strip is completely immersed in the urine.

3. For more accurate results, it is best to take the test when you first wake up. Morning urine tends to be more concentrated and contains higher levels of HCG than other times of the day.

4. After dipping the test, wait a few minutes according to the instructions on the package. Most tests will show results in a short time, usually only a few minutes.

How to read pregnancy test results.

1. Positive result (Two lines).

If two lines appear, one on the control line and one on the result line, this indicates a positive result, meaning you are likely pregnant. The second line may be fainter or lighter depending on the level of HCG hormone in your urine. A faint line is still considered positive.

2. Negative result (One line).

If only one line appears in the results window, this indicates that the test is negative, meaning you are probably not pregnant. This line is a control line that shows that the test is working properly.

3. Invalid result (Control line does not appear).

If no line appears or there is only a result line without a control line, this indicates that the test is invalid and there may be an error in using the test strip or the test strip is damaged. You need to retest with a new device.

When is the right time to take a pregnancy test?

How to use a pregnancy test  2024


1. After a late period.

The best time to do a pregnancy test is one week after your missed period. This is because it will give more accurate results because the HCG levels in your body will be higher.

2. Morning.

It is recommended to do a pregnancy test when you first urinate in the morning. Morning urine is usually more concentrated, so the HCG levels will be higher and easier to detect by the pregnancy test.

3. After waking up.

The best time to take a pregnancy test is right after waking up, before you drink water or eat. This helps ensure that your urine isn't diluted, which could affect the test results.
