Starla revealed that she wanted to look after her mother and help her live her life.

  6 Agustus 2024 11:25 - Inara Rusli recently made a podcast with her daughter Starla. They discussed many things, including the matter of Inara Rusli's divorce from Virgoun. As a child, Starla certainly experienced many trials, where after her mother and father divorced, Virgoun was arrested by the police for a drug case.

In a moment of deep conversation between mother and daughter, Inara asked what would make Starla happy. The child confidently answered that he wanted to have complete parents. Because of this, Starla told Inara that she was gradually getting back together with her parents.

"The thing that makes you happy is that you and my father are getting better. Apart from that, mom also has time to spend with me and my sister," he said, as reported by YouTube Inara Rusli on Tuesday (6/8).

Starla hopes that Inara Rusli and Virgoun will return various sources

photo: YouTube/Inara Rusli

Because of this request, Inara tried to explain the current condition of her relationship with Virgoun. Inara said that she and Starla's father could no longer be together. This is because the household has had three divorces, so if they want to be together, they each have to get married first.

"Because mommy and daddy can't be together anymore. Because mommy and daddy have had three divorces. So triple divorce is a condition in Islam for each of us to be together again, we have to get married," answered Inara.

Starla hopes that Inara Rusli and Virgoun will return various sources

photo: Instagram/@mommy_starla

Inara continued that if the two of them got back together in their current condition, then the fall would be no different from that of people dating. Virgoun's ex-wife also said that he should marry a different person.

Because of this, Inara then asked her son what if he had a new partner. However, Starla firmly answered that she did not want that to happen.

"What do you think, for example, if mom has a new partner?" Inara said

"A new one? No, I don't want to. I'm not sure," Starla answered in English.

Starla hopes that Inara Rusli and Virgoun will return various sources

photo: Instagram/@mommy_starla

Hearing this answer, Inara then brought up Starla's wish to have someone look after her mother. However, Starla also answered that she would be the one to do this.

"You said, mommy has to look after her," said Inara.

"I Will be do (I will do it)," said Starla.

Even though she currently refuses to let her mother have a new partner, Starla said that maybe one day she will try to get to know someone new. He also wants to help his mother live her life.

Hearing this, Inara then said that Starla was a good daughter. Therefore, whatever happens, he will still love his child. Inara also asked Starla to remain herself.

"You know what? Whatever happens, whatever other people say about you, whatever you do, mommy loves you," said Inara.

"You don't need to be an extraordinary person. You don't need to be a special person or a talented person," concluded Inara.
