foto: Instagram/@nunung63.official

Friends for decades, Nunung expressed Sule's sincerity in helping with medical expenses when he had cancer

  6 Agustus 2024 10:20 -

Friendships in the world of Indonesian entertainment are often in the public spotlight. One example of a friendship that has existed for dozens of years is between comedians Nunung and Sule. The two of them have worked together for a long time on various comedy programs, especially on the Opera Van Java (OVJ) show.

Recently, Nunung expressed Sule's sincerity in helping him during his fight against breast cancer. In recent months, it was discovered that Nunung was battling breast cancer. This 61 year old comedian had to undergo a series of treatments, including chemotherapy. Now, after undergoing various treatments, Nunung's health condition is gradually improving.

"Thank God it's okay, but we still need to be alert, we can't be lulled because if we're stressed we'll be exposed to food, even food triggers," said Nunung, quoted from an interview at the Pagi Pagi Ambyar studio, South Jakarta, Monday (5/ 8).

Nunung explained that even though his health condition had improved, he still had to be alert and watch his diet. He realizes the importance of avoiding things that can trigger the return of cancer cells in his body.

sule helps with costs  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nunung63.official

This Srimulat comedy member is happy to say that his hair has returned. Currently, his hair has grown and is no longer bald due to the chemotherapy period.

During his treatment period, Nunung revealed that he received support from many friends. Nunung also acknowledged the sincerity of Sule and several other friends who helped him during his fight against breast cancer.

"(See) his sincerity. From the time I had the operation, he was really caring, many people helped me, like Raffi, Baim Wong, Sule, Ivan Gunawan," said Nunung, moved.

Nunung even told how Sule helped him with the latest treatment process. At that time, Sule delivered and paid for his medical expenses.

sule helps with costs  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nunung63.official

"Yesterday I took the chemoport and was delivered by Sule. Delivered, paid for," said Nunung.

The owner's full name, Tri Retno Prayudati, emphasized that Sule's assistance to him was comprehensive, covering material and emotional aspects. According to him, Sule is his most understanding and understanding friend.

"Be patient, basically a lot of help, financially and morally," he said.

This statement shows how Sule not only provided moral support, but also financial assistance for Nunung's treatment. Responding to this, Sule gave an explanation of his reasons for helping Nunung.

"Yes, in my opinion, I was able to grow up like this at OVJ because of Mami (Nunung). So yes, we have to respect people who, no matter how small, make a contribution to us. We don't live alone, we are social creatures. So whatever it takes "Mami, what Azis wants, we can do as much as we can (help)," said Sule.
