Know the difference so you don't consume the wrong one.

  9 Agustus 2024 13:50 - Have you ever heard of tempeh semangit and tempeh bongkrek? Both are types of tempeh with quite different characteristics and play a unique role in traditional Indonesian cuisine. Tempeh semangit is stale tempeh and has a very pungent odor. Usually, this tempeh is used in dishes such as sambal tumpang, where its distinctive taste can give a unique touch to the dish. Even so, this tempeh semangit must be handled carefully and is usually safe to consume if used in the right cooking process.

Meanwhile, bongkrek tempeh is a type of tempeh that is less commonly found and usually uses a mixture of ingredients such as corn and spices. Bongkrek tempeh is known for its strong aroma and taste, however, it is important to note that bongkrek tempeh can potentially cause food poisoning if not cooked properly, especially due to the possibility of the presence of dangerous pathogenic bacteria.

In this article, we invite you to test your knowledge about the differences between tempeh semangit and tempeh bongkrek through a fun quiz that we have prepared. Come on, find out how much you know about these two types of tempeh and how to process them safely. Good luck with this quiz.
