
Graphic designer turns out to be Rio Dewanto's hidden dream.

  6 September 2024 12:41 - Rio Dewanto , an action actor who often appears on the screen, apparently has a hidden dream. Atiqah Hasiholan's husband used to aspire to be a graphic designer. Who would have thought, this man born on August 28, 1987 has had a passion for painting and drawing since childhood.

However, fate said otherwise. Rio's dream had to be dashed in the middle of the road. The star of the films Ratu Kosmopolitan and Pintu Terlarang turned out to have suffered from partial color blindness since birth. This was revealed by himself when he was a guest star on the Praz Teguh Tuah Kreasi podcast which was uploaded on Wednesday (5/9)

"I'm color blind, bro. Yes, because I was born, right," said Rio Dewanto, quoted by on Thursday (6/9).

Despite this, Rio was still able to distinguish basic colors well. His difficulties arose when faced with more complex mixed colors. This condition was only revealed when Rio took the graphic design entrance test.

"I know about solid colors. But mixed colors, so I took the test at that time because I like drawing. I was taking a test at a course in visual communication design, sorry, graphic design," he said.

rio dewanto color blind  2024

photo: YouTube/Tuah Kreasi

When taking the test, it turned out he had difficulty seeing the numbers and letters in the dot-dot test which is commonly used to detect color blindness.

The graphic design entrance test became a moment that revealed Rio's condition. The 37-year-old actor faced difficulties when asked to identify numbers and letters in a colored dots test.

"Well, there is the same perspective picture in the second test where you can see the dots (dots) in which there are numbers, there are letters. I can't see some of them. There are a lot of pages that I don't know. They can't be seen in my eyes," he said.

The test experience was a turning point for Rio to start realizing that something was wrong with his color vision. He finally decided to consult an eye doctor.

The results of the doctor's examination confirmed that Rio was diagnosed with partial color blindness, a condition he had experienced since childhood.

"After that, I talked to my mother. Then finally I was taken to an eye doctor. I checked, yes I was indeed partial color blindness. But I did have a lot of symptoms, I've felt that since I was little," said Rio.

rio dewanto color blind  2024

photo: Instagram/@riodewanto

Rio admitted that he had actually felt the symptoms for a long time. However, he only fully realized it after undergoing a medical examination.

Not to forget, Rio also shared his experience when buying a hat. At that time Rio mispronounced the color of the hat.

"Like I wanted to buy a hat, I really remember this, I wanted to buy a hat at Plaza Senayan, I pointed, 'Mas, I want the white one'. Mas said 'Huh, which white color is this? This is pink'," he concluded, while imitating his conversation with the hat seller.
