foto: Instagram/@fabymarcelia; Instagram/@revmoge

Faby finally spoke up about the reasons behind her decision to end her marriage with Revand.

  25 September 2024 18:30 - Shocking news came from celebrity couple Faby Marcelia and Revand Narya. After 11 years of marriage, the two are reported to have divorced . Faby finally spoke out about the reasons behind her decision to end her marriage with Revand.

Faby revealed that communication problems were the main cause of the breakdown of their household. She had even consulted a psychologist since the first year of marriage to try to overcome this problem. However, these efforts did not seem to produce the expected results.

the reason faby marcelia divorced  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fabymarcelia

"Our communication is a bit bad. There is a psychologist. I went to a psychologist since the first year of marriage. So the mediator is telling all the stories to the psychologist," said Faby Marcelia as quoted by from Pagi Pagi Ambyar on Wednesday (25/9).

The pent-up domestic problems apparently had a serious impact on Faby's health. The actress born in 1995 admitted that she often had trouble sleeping and had to take medication. The stressful conditions she experienced also triggered stomach acid problems that often recurred.

Faby said that she often had to be hospitalized due to recurring stomach acid. This certainly greatly disrupted her activities as an actress who must always be ready to shoot.

the reason faby marcelia divorced  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fabymarcelia

"I used to take medication so I could sleep, because it was too much. Once or twice a week I would go to the emergency room because of stomach acid. So if I was going to film, 'Feb, where are you', 'Wait a minute, I'm in the emergency room, I'll give you an IV first'," he added further.

Faby admitted that she preferred to remain silent rather than discuss the existing problems. She felt that the discussion would only lead to unproductive arguments. She took this stance in order to maintain the integrity of the household as long as possible.

"I prefer to keep quiet, because I know that if I discuss it, it will only lead to a fight. So rather than fighting, it's better to just keep quiet," he explained.

the reason faby marcelia divorced  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fabymarcelia

The decision to divorce was apparently made by Faby almost a year ago. However, she deliberately kept this a secret from the public to avoid unwanted news. Faby even took care of her divorce outside the city to maintain privacy.

"(The divorce) was almost a year ago, but it wasn't blown up. And I didn't file in Jakarta, outside the city. Because I didn't want to make a fuss, didn't want it to go viral," he said.

Despite being divorced, Faby still maintains a good relationship with Revand for the sake of their children. She does not forbid her ex-husband from meeting their two children. Faby's mature attitude is taken so that the divorce does not have a negative impact on the growth and development of her children.
