Ruben Onsu has reportedly been sued for divorce by Sarwendah at the South Jakarta District Court.

  3 Mei 2024 18:23 - News about the breakdown in Sarwendah and Ruben Onsu's household is becoming more widely heard. Ruben Onsu has reportedly been sued for divorce by Sarwendah at the South Jakarta District Court. When confirmed regarding this matter, the mother of three children denied it.

According to the woman who is familiarly called Wendah, all the news is not true. He admitted that he had not filed any lawsuit in court. This mother of two also admitted that she was confused and sad to hear the negative news about her family.

Sarwendah denies filing for divorce  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@sarwendah29

"Shocked (reportedly suing her husband). Really sad, really sad," said Sarwendah, reported by from, Friday (3/5).

Not only this time, Wendah admitted that she was often an easy target for gossip on social media. Moreover, there is news about his closeness to his continued son, Betrand Peto . This made Jordi Onsu's brother-in-law feel that his attitude was wrong.

"I was in the wrong, I'm really sad because actually one day I was told what was wrong with my child, then later he said what I was doing again, the next day he said I was suing again. So everything was wrong for me," said the 34 year old woman while holding back tears.

Sarwendah denies filing for divorce  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@sarwendah29

Sarwendah also begged that there would be no more bad news about him. As a parent, he is afraid of influencing his children. Bearing in mind, their children are now older and understand the news that passes on the internet. He also hopes that the news about his household with Ruben Onsu will soon subside and stop.

"I'm a mother, so it's a pity that my children can already read. So they can read the news that's there. I've worked from morning till night for them, I've always tried to be there for them, but the children "I can't monitor what they see 24 hours a day, so please don't, hahah, make the news even more confusing," said Wendah.

As is known, rumors of the breakdown of Sarwendah and Ruben Onsu's household became widespread after the former Cherrybelle said that she no longer lived with Ruben Onsu. He said that he had been living at his sister's house for 2 months. When Sarwendah was being treated in hospital, her husband was not seen visiting her.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.