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There are more than 87,000 confirmed cases of Mpox worldwide.

  29 Agustus 2024 07:25

Brilio.net - The global pandemic has brought more attention to various viruses that threaten human health. One virus that should be watched out for, especially for pregnant women, is Mpox or Monkeypox. Although not as popular as other viruses such as COVID-19, Mpox has shown significant transmission potential and serious health impacts, especially for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and the fetuses they are carrying.

The virus was originally discovered in monkeys, but has since spread to humans through direct contact with infected animals or through human-to-human transmission. Therefore, understanding the symptoms, effects, and prevention of the Mpox virus is very important to avoid more serious complications.

Pregnant women are a group that has a weaker immune system compared to the general population, making them more susceptible to infection with various types of viruses, including Mpox. This virus, which is generally transmitted through direct contact with infected animals such as rats or monkeys, has now shown an increase in cases in humans due to human-to-human transmission. This can occur through direct contact with skin lesions or body fluids of sufferers, as well as through respiratory droplets in very close and prolonged contact. With the increasing cases of this infection, awareness of early symptoms and understanding of the impact on the fetus are essential for pregnant women to avoid the risk of more serious complications.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), by the end of 2023, there were more than 87,000 confirmed cases of Mpox worldwide, with cases spread across more than 110 countries. Most of these cases occurred in non-endemic countries such as Europe and North America, indicating that human-to-human transmission is now more dominant than animal-to-human transmission. Among these cases, there were a number of cases in pregnant women who showed the risk of serious complications, such as miscarriage, premature birth, and fetal infection. This situation shows the importance of strict preventive measures for pregnant women and other vulnerable groups.

Therefore, brilio.net will discuss in depth the symptoms that pregnant women exposed to the Mpox virus should be aware of, the potential impacts that can occur on the fetus, and effective steps to prevent transmission of this virus. With a good understanding of these things, it is hoped that pregnant women can be more vigilant and take the right preventive measures to protect themselves and their fetuses.

Symptoms of Mpox virus transmission in pregnant women

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The Mpox virus has symptoms similar to other viral infections, but there are some specific signs that pregnant women should be aware of. Early symptoms that often appear include high fever, severe headache, muscle pain, and swollen lymph nodes. As the disease progresses, a distinctive skin rash begins to appear, usually starting on the face and spreading to other parts of the body. This rash can turn into vesicles or pustules filled with fluid before finally hardening and forming a scab.

For pregnant women, recognizing these symptoms early is very important because the Mpox virus can cause serious complications such as pneumonia, sepsis, or severe secondary skin infections. In addition, there is a risk of vertical transmission, namely transmission of the virus from mother to fetus through the placenta that can occur, especially if the infection occurs in the first or second trimester of pregnancy.

The impact of the Mpox virus on the fetus

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Mpox virus infection in pregnant women can carry serious risks to the fetus. Studies show that this virus infection can increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and fetal death in the womb. In addition, fetuses infected during pregnancy have the potential to experience congenital malformations or other developmental abnormalities. Mpox infection can also cause serious health conditions in newborns, such as encephalitis or severe skin infections.

Scientific studies have shown that mothers infected with the Mpox virus have a higher risk of experiencing pregnancy complications compared to those who are not infected. Therefore, prevention and control of infection is very important to minimize the risks associated with transmitting this virus to pregnant women and their fetuses.

How to prevent transmission of the Mpox virus to pregnant women

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Prevention of Mpox virus transmission in pregnant women involves several important steps. First, avoid contact with wild animals or pets that may be infected with Mpox virus, especially in areas known to have cases of this virus. Second, pregnant women should avoid close contact with individuals who show symptoms of Mpox infection or who have been diagnosed positive. Third, practice good hand hygiene by washing hands regularly with soap and running water, and using alcohol-based disinfectants if soap and water are not available.

In addition, it is important to maintain environmental hygiene by regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces and avoiding sharing personal equipment. Consultation with a healthcare professional is also recommended to learn more about vaccination and other appropriate precautions, especially for pregnant women who are at high risk of exposure to the virus.
