Faisal once answered a question about the embezzlement experienced by his son, but was instead subpoenaed by Batara Ageng

  14 Juli 2024 16:00

Brilio.net - The case of embezzlement of funds committed by Batara Ageng, the former manager of Fuji artists, is still a hot topic of conversation. Batara Ageng is known to have embezzled IDR 1.3 billion. The money never entered Fuji's account between December 2021-December 2022. Seeing that his daughter's money had been embezzled, Haji Faisal finally spoke up.

Faisal admitted that he was furious when Fuji became a victim of embezzlement. Moreover, the perpetrator was someone close to Fuji because he was trusted to arrange his work schedule. He couldn't bear to see his son struggling to earn money but not enjoying the results.

Before being named a suspect, Faisal answered questions from media crew about the embezzlement experienced by his son. However, he was actually summoned by Batara Ageng. However, according to him, this statement was appropriate and in accordance with the questions asked by the media crew.

"Because my child was affected, of course I was very angry. Because not long ago I also received a subpoena from his side, because I answered what you asked. Questions that I thought were appropriate for me to answer, then I received a subpoena. Finally this case continued and was proven "He's being detained now," said Faisal, reported by brilio.net from Intense Investigation on Sunday (14/7).

Haji Faisal said about Fuji's embezzlement of funds from various sources

photo: YouTube/Intense Investigation

Faisal admitted that he was very grateful for the news of the arrest of his youngest son's former manager. He also expressed his gratitude to the police, especially the West Jakarta Police, who had arrested the perpetrator.

"Alhamdulillah, I feel very grateful to the West Jakarta Police for moving quickly and processing my son's report and the person has been detained and I am grateful," he continued.

Haji Faisal said about Fuji's embezzlement of funds from various sources

photo: Instagram/@opah_faisal

However, he initially admitted that he did not intend to send Batara Ageng to prison. Faisal has opened up the opportunity to take the path of peace. Of course, on condition that the former manager can return the losses suffered by his child.

However, it turned out that this alternative did not find a solution, so he and his daughter were forced to take legal action. This was done in order to get justice for Fuji.

Haji Faisal said about Fuji's embezzlement of funds from various sources

photo: Instagram/@opah_faisal

"From the start, we were concerned about how our money, our losses were reimbursed. We didn't want to actually cause other people to be persecuted because of us. We thought it was because he himself had embezzled our money, so the only way was to report it to the law," concluded Faisal.
