
It is acknowledged that this salary is not enough for the manager's living expenses.

  11 Juli 2024 19:58 - Batara Ageng alias BA, who is Fuji's former manager , was reported to the police after stealing 1.3 billion from the artist. As a result, he had to languish behind bars.

After investigation, the motive for the embezzlement was due to economic problems. BA is known to be tempted by the results of Fuji's considerable hard work. This was revealed by the Head of the West Jakarta Metro Police Special Crimes Unit (Krimsus), AKP Tomi Kurniawan.

"From BA's confession, he saw that FU's profits were large. That's why he took the opportunity and was tempted to embezzle," said Tomi, quoted by from on Thursday (11/7).

Batara Ageng, former Fuji manager, is paid IDR 500 thousand per month from various sources

photo: Instagram/@bataraageng

Tomi explained that this action had been carried out since BA became manager, from December 2021 to December 2022. The proceeds from around 20 Fuji contracts went into BA's account.

" The Rp. 1.3 billion that was supposed to be received by sister FU, apparently did not go into her account. So from December 2021 to December 2022, the entire cooperation contract went into brother BA's account," he said.

After investigating, Tomi continued that BA was only paid IDR 500 thousand per month. He was also promised compensation of 5 to 10 percent of each contract. However, this salary apparently was not able to cover all his needs.

Batara Ageng, former Fuji manager, is paid IDR 500 thousand per month from various sources

photo: Instagram/@fuji_an

Tomi explained that the Rp. 1.3 billion was used to pay installments and cover daily living needs.

"We know that BA used the money to pay the apartment installments and car installments. Apart from that, it was also used for your ordinary daily living needs," he said.

Batara Ageng, former Fuji manager, is paid IDR 500 thousand per month  2024 various sources

photo: Instagram/@fuji_an

Previously, the relationship between Fuji and Batara was fine. According to police records, BA has never committed any criminal act. However, after working for a long time, he was tempted to embezzle Fuji's money.

As a result of his actions, Batara Ageng was charged under Articles 374 and/or 372 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a sentence of five years in prison.
