Agnez Mo sang the song 'Bilang Saja' in a live concert without having permission.

  20 Juni 2024 08:40 - Unpleasant news comes from Indonesian pop diva, Agnez Mo. The singer, who is currently working in the United States, was reported to the Police Criminal Investigation Unit by songwriter Ari Bias on Wednesday (19/6), on charges of copyright infringement.

Minola Sebayar, Ari Bias' attorney, explained that this report was a follow-up to the previous press conference. Agnez Mo is suspected of performing the song "Bilang Saja" by Ari Bias without permission.

"This is a form of follow-up to our pre-conference some time ago, regarding allegations of copyright infringement committed by Agnez Mo," said Minola Sebayar at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Wednesday (19/6).

The song was performed at three events at nightclubs managed by the HW Group. According to Ari Bias, Agnez Mo never asked him directly for permission as a songwriter, nor did he obtain a license from an official institution such as the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN).

"Agnez Mo has used the song created by Ari Bias, 'Bilang Saja' in a live concert without having permission and asking permission from Ari Bias as the creator. We also both know that Agnez Mo did not ask permission or license from the official LMKN institution, " said Minola Sephan

Agnez Mo was reported to the Police Criminal Investigation Unit  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ari_bias

In the report submitted, Ari Bias highlighted that Agnez Mo's actions met the criteria for copyright infringement as regulated in the Copyright Law.

"So because the elements of violation in Article 9 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) have been fulfilled, we immediately made a report as regulated in Article 113 of the Copyright Law,"

He also stated that there was no good faith on Agnez's part to respond to the subpoena that had been sent previously. Therefore, Ari Bias and his legal team chose to resolve this problem through criminal means.

"We have sent a summons, but the person concerned has not complied with our invitation, has not responded either. Because we think they do not have good intentions, therefore, on the sidelines of our visit to meet and greet, we took the time to make a report," Minola Sebayar continue.

Agnez Mo was reported to the Police Criminal Investigation Unit  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@agnezmo

The legal threats facing Agnez Mo are quite serious. If found guilty, Agnez could face imprisonment for between three and five years, as well as a fine of up to billions of rupiah.

These fines can reach up to IDR 1.5 billion, which is of course a significant financial burden. Ari Bias and his legal team hope that the report that has been submitted to the Police Criminal Investigation Unit can be immediately followed up by investigators.

"The threat is at least three to five years in prison, not to mention the fine. For one concert we ask for Rp. 500 million. So for three concerts, it could be up to Rp. 1.5 billion. But it is possible that this loss could be even greater, this depends on the process which is ongoing," explained Minola.

Previously, PT Aneka Bintang Gading or known as Holywings Group was also summoned. However, because there is good faith on the part of HWG, only Agnez Mo will be reported.

"From their conversation, there are indications that there is an agreement between HWG and Agnez Mo, where HWG states that in the agreement the license to the creator and royalties are Agnez Mo's responsibility," he said.
