- Tora Sudiro has just held a proposal event for his eldest daughter, Azzahra Nabila, to Muhammad Ivan Lubis, Sunday (19/5). Previously, Nabila had been proposed to romantically by her lover in November 2023.
The emotional and romantic moment of her child's proposal was shared directly by Tora on her personal Instagram account. Mieke Amalia's husband shared a portrait of his son showing off his engagement ring and taking photos with his extended family.
"Happy Day. Alhamdulillah, " wrote Tora Sudiro in the caption on his official Instagram account upload.
Interestingly, this event was not only attended by close family, but also Anggi Kadiman, Tora Sudiro's ex-wife. Their togetherness, which seemed to get along at their child's special event, also received praise from netizens.
" Accurr, I'm glad to see it, congrats Uncle Tora will soon have a son-in-law ," commented the account @rezadranie.
" Nice to see hehehe Always healthy and happy, " said the account @hayatulfata12.
Are you curious about what the moment of the proposal for Nabila , Tora Sudiro's eldest daughter, was like? Come on, take a peek at the nine portraits as summarized by from various sources on Monday (20/5).
1. It is known that Nabila Sudiro and Ivan Lubis have been in love for 9 years since 2015.
Tora Sudiro accepted Nabila's proposal
2. With full confidence, Ivan put the ring on Nabila's finger.
Tora Sudiro accepted Nabila's proposal
3. Nabila showed off the engagement ring on her ring finger.
Tora Sudiro accepted Nabila's proposal
4. The engagement event was intimate and full of warmth from the two families.
Tora Sudiro accepted Nabila's proposal
5. It was observed that Anggi Kadiman, Nabila's biological mother and Tora Sudiro's ex-wife, was also present and accompanied by her husband.
Tora Sudiro accepted Nabila's proposal
6. Mieke Amalia, who is Nabila's mother, is also happy with the happiness that now surrounds her child.
Tora Sudiro accepted Nabila's proposal
7. Even though they are no longer together, Tora and Anggi still wear matching colored clothes together with their respective partners.
Tora Sudiro accepted Nabila's proposal
8. Anggi's presence at this event proves that she and Tora have a good relationship as a family, despite the conflicts that occurred in the past.
Tora Sudiro accepted Nabila's proposal
9. Known for being harmonious and getting along, all of Tora Sudiro and Mieke Amalia's children appeared unified and beautiful on Nabila's engagement day.
Tora Sudiro accepted Nabila's proposal