Brilio.net - It's not just hair that starts to turn white, someone who is over 35 years old will also experience signs of aging skin. One of the common signs of skin aging is wrinkles and sagging skin. Not without reason, this condition occurs because the skin begins to lose its elasticity.
Usually wrinkles first appear in the facial area, where the skin naturally folds whenever the face makes an expression, especially when smiling, squinting and frowning. As time goes by, the skin's ability to protect itself from damage decreases. This also happens because the production of collagen and elastin in skin tissue begins to decrease. This is what causes wrinkles to appear on the face and other skin areas.
Apart from aging factors, wrinkles and sagging skin on the face are also exacerbated by various external factors. These include excessive sun exposure, pollution, dead skin cells, weather changes, dehydrated skin, and unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking. In fact, this condition can also occur more quickly when someone is only 20 years old, or also called premature aging.
Skin full of wrinkles and starting to sag will make your face look old and less fresh. It's not surprising that many people are looking for ways to delay this from happening. Starting from getting treatment at a beauty clinic, using skincare products, and using natural ingredients.
One skincare product that is widely used is retinol serum. Retinol serum is a skincare product that is formulated to stimulate collagen production and nourish the skin. Retinol is indeed effective, but unfortunately, this skincare is relatively expensive. No need to worry, because you can use natural ingredients at a more pocket-friendly price.
As shared by a woman via her personal TikTok account @aromatalks20 on March 30 2024, which contains how to prevent facial sagging and wrinkles using 2 natural ingredients. The natural ingredients in question are eggs and bananas.
"Skin tightening homemade mask. Naturally made (Homemade mask that tightens the skin. Made naturally)," wrote the woman in the description of the uploaded video, which was reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @aromatalks20, Tuesday (2/4).
Egg content to delay skin aging.
photo: TikTok/@aromatalks20
Eggs are a natural protein that has various health benefits. However, this ingredient is also effective in treating various skin problems, you know. Such as dull skin and the appearance of signs of aging. The protein in eggs will help keep skin cells healthy and make them more glowing.
Apart from that, the vitamin and mineral content in eggs can also reduce the appearance of large pores on facial skin. Even regular use of egg masks is believed to prevent hyperpigmentation and aging of the skin. Vitamin A in egg whites is very effective in reducing wrinkles on the face and disguising fine lines, and can prevent the appearance of wrinkles, as well as ward off UV radiation which causes skin to sag quickly.
The benefits of bananas for treating sagging and wrinkled faces.
photo: TikTok/@aromatalks20
Bananas are a popular fruit because they have a sweet taste and soft texture. Apart from being a fruit that is good for health, it turns out that bananas are also commonly used as a skin care ingredient, you know. One of the benefits is treating wrinkles and sagging skin. The potassium and antioxidant content in bananas is believed to help hydrate dry skin and make it more supple. The antioxidant content in bananas is also effective in preventing the appearance of fine lines and other signs of skin aging, such as black spots.
Relying on these two natural ingredients, you can make a face mask that is believed to be able to treat or delay facial sagging and wrinkles. Regular use will also make your face firm , bright and naturally glowing. Here's how to make and use it.
photo: TikTok/@aromatalks20
- 1 egg
- 1 ripe banana
1. Crack the egg and put it in a blender
2. Add the banana then blend the two ingredients until they are really smooth like a paste texture
3. Pour into the container
4. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and remaining makeup
5. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly
6. Wait until it dries then rinse with water until clean
7. Continue using moisturizer
8. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get optimal results.
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