
After experiencing stress, as much as 70% of hair in the anagen stage enters the telogen phase prematurely and causes hair loss.

  20 Juni 2024 20:10 - Excessive hair loss is not only caused by a lack of care or vitamins in the follicles. However, hair loss can also be caused by the body experiencing excessive stress or what is usually called telogen effluvium.

The telogen effluvium type of hair loss has three stages of hair growth. First, anagen (growth) in this phase the hair is in the growth cycle. The cells at the bottom of the hair follicle divide rapidly. After that, hair forms and comes out of the follicle and lengthens the hair shaft.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, hair follicles can grow for four years. After the growth phase, the hair enters the catagen or resting phase. In this stage the hair growth cycle experiences a setback and stops growing at around 5%.

Then enter the telogen or hair loss stage. In this phase, hair follicles do not experience growth and experience loss at certain times. So you need to understand that in the telogen phase, telogen effluvium affects hair growth. After experiencing stress, as much as 70% of hair in the anagen stage enters the telogen phase prematurely and causes hair loss.

So that this hair loss doesn't get worse and lead to baldness, you need to stop it. No need to apply hair tonic, instead you can make hair spray from kitchen waste, namely onion skins.

Hearing that onion skins are made into hair spray may make you curious about how to make and use it. For those of you who want to try, let's look at the tutorial below:


share how to stop hair loss from various sources

share how to stop hair loss

- Red onion skin
- 1 glass of water.

How to make:

share how to stop hair loss from various sources

share how to stop hair loss

1. Prepare a pan on the stove
2. Add the shallot skin
3. Pour water
4. Boil all ingredients for 10 minutes over low heat
5. Leave for two hours or until cold
6. Put it in a spray bottle and close it tightly and you can use hair spray.

How to use:

photo: Instagram/@tranquil_life_wellness

1. Tidy your hair first
2. Spray hairspray all over
3. Massage for five minutes
4. Rinse using regular shampoo and water
5. Use this hair spray regularly so that you get the desired results.

Benefits of red onion skin to treat hair loss.

The red onion skins that you usually just throw away, actually have benefits for hair health, you know. Reporting from Only My Health, Thursday (20/6) red onion skin is believed to prevent excessive hair loss. This is because it contains sulfur which can promote hair growth effectively. The presence of sulfur in onions is believed to increase the strength of keratin in the hair. Not only that, red onion skin is claimed to increase blood circulation in the scalp area. This is what can improve hair growth well.

Meanwhile, the vitamin C, E and A content in onions can strengthen the hair shaft. The vitamin C content in onions is also believed to be effective in cleaning the scalp from dandruff.
