foto: YouTube/@itsFarikasLife

To restore a fresh and bright appearance to your eyes, you can do topical treatments.

  7 Mei 2024 13:10 - Sometimes you don't realize the cause of black eye bags. Many people in the general public think that the trigger for dark eye bags comes from a lack of rest at night. These factors are true, but there are other triggers for black eye bags. One of them is an unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking and irregular eating patterns. This condition causes a buildup of fluid under the eyes, resulting in swelling and eye bags.

Apart from that, excessive exposure to sunlight also causes eye bags. This is because exposure to UV rays can damage collagen and elastin in the skin. This causes the skin around the eyes to become loose and form bags.

To restore a fresh and bright appearance to your eyes, you can do topical treatments. A woman named Farika shared how to get rid of eye bags without compressing with green tea. Instead, use another method, namely applying a mask made from natural ingredients with a combination of turmeric powder and honey.

Turmeric contains an active compound called curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin is believed to help reduce inflammation and swelling around the eyes, which can reduce the appearance of eye bags.

The antioxidant compounds in turmeric help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and environmental exposure. So it can help keep the skin around the eyes healthy and prevent premature aging.

Reporting from, Tuesday (7/5) turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce swelling and inflammation around the eye area.

Meanwhile, honey is also rich in antioxidants , which help fight cell damage and keep skin healthy. Honey is a natural moisturizing agent that can help keep skin moist and supple. This helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

That is information about the benefits of turmeric powder and honey which can be used to remove eye bags. The following is a tutorial that you can get as summarized by from the YouTube channel @itsFarikasLife, Tuesday (7/5).

Materials and tools:

Eliminate eye bags using turmeric from various sources

photo: YouTube/@itsFarikasLife

- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon pure honey
- Small bowl and spoon.

How to make:

Eliminate eye bags using turmeric from various sources

photo: YouTube/@itsFarikasLife

1. Prepare a clean bowl
2. Add turmeric powder
3. Pour in honey
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
5. The eye mask is ready to be applied.

How to use:

photo: YouTube/@itsFarikasLife

1. Make sure the skin in the eye area is clean first
2. Apply the mask under the eyes
3. Wait for 45 minutes
4. Rinse using normal water
5. Dry the eye area using a clean tissue
6. By using a mask, eye bags can disappear in an instant.

Naturally bright skin with honey.

Honey is a food ingredient that is not only used to add flavor. Behind its sweet taste, honey has a number of benefits for the skin, one of which is brightening. It is known that honey contains antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals, prevent aging and brighten the skin. Then the antibacterial properties in honey are claimed to prevent infection and clean the skin. With the ability to clean the skin, this honey is effective in making the face bright and acne-free.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.