
Take advantage of natural ingredients that are no less effective and more economical to brighten black knees.

  29 April 2024 23:59 - Knees that appear black and dark are a common problem experienced by most people. This condition makes the skin in the knee area become striped and the skin color is uneven. The main cause of black knees is hyperpigmentation which occurs when the skin produces excess melanin.

Apart from hyperpigmentation, there are various factors that cause knee skin to look darker than other parts of the body. Such as knees often getting friction or pressure, accumulation of dead skin cells, excessive exposure to sunlight, inflammation of the skin, certain diseases, and hereditary or genetic factors.

Black knees are not a dangerous condition and do not require special treatment. However, quite a few people are not confident because of this skin problem, so they feel the need to whiten or lighten it.

Many people use whitening scrubs to brighten the knee area, even though not everyone is suitable for these skin whitening products. Not a few also experience irritation because of the chemical content in it.

In fact, you don't need to buy a whitening scrub, because you can use natural ingredients that are no less effective and more economical . Like the following 7 ways that summarized from various sources, Monday (29/4).

1. How to brighten black knees using turmeric.

Apart from being a natural flavoring and coloring agent, you can also use turmeric to whiten your skin, you know. No exception in the knee area. This spice is effective for removing dirt and dead skin cells on knees and other areas without side effects. This is thanks to the curcumin compound which reduces and regulates excess melanin production which causes black knee skin. To do this, you can listen to the tricks shared by the TikTok account @fahdafay below.


- 1 tablespoon yoghurt
- A pinch of turmeric powder
- 1/2 tablespoon honey

How to create and use:

1. Pour the ingredients mentioned into the container
2. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed
3. Apply to the dark knee area thoroughly
4. Leave it for 5 minutes
5. Rinse using water until clean
6. Dry your knees then use your favorite body lotion
7. Use this knee whitening mask regularly 2-3 times a week to get evenly bright skin.

2. How to lighten black knees using granulated sugar.

One use of sugar for body and facial care is as an exfoliating scrub. A sugar-based scrub has a medium texture which can help remove dead skin cells. This method can help treat black knees. Sugar can also help rejuvenate the skin and clean pores. When dead skin and dirt are removed, the skin will appear radiant and healthier. To do this, you can copy the trick shared by the TikTok account @rythaa14 below.


- 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
- Enough olive oil

How to create and use:

1. Pour 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar into a bowl
2. Add enough olive oil
3. Stir the two ingredients until evenly mixed
4. Apply it to the black elbows and knees by rubbing it slowly in a circular motion
5. Repeat this movement for approximately 5 minutes then rinse with water until clean
6. Do it regularly every day before showering to get smooth and bright knees.

3. How to lighten black knees using milk.

The lactic acid content in milk is believed to have benefits for whitening the skin and disguising black spots. Not only that, this natural ingredient is also effective in brightening black knees. This is why there are many skin whitening products that use lactic acid or milk as the lightening agent. Lactic acid can indeed peel off layers of dead skin which cause dull and dark skin. To do this, you can listen to the tricks shared by the TikTok account @prettywithlee below.


- Enough liquid milk
- 1-2 tablespoons baking soda

How to make:

1. Pour the ingredients mentioned into the container
2. Stir the two until evenly mixed and have a paste-like texture
3. Apply to knees and elbows thoroughly
4. Rub gently then let sit until dry
5. Rinse using a warm towel and continue with water until clean
6. Continue using your favorite moisturizer or body lotion
7. Use regularly 2-3 times a week for maximum results.

4. How to brighten black knees using honey.

Honey is also known to be able to overcome various skin problems. This benefit comes from the vitamin content, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as the flavonoid antioxidants in it. Honey is known to brighten, moisturize and whiten knee skin. This benefit comes from the vitamin E content in it and can be more effective if combined with other ingredients. To do this, you can copy the trick shared by the TikTok account @lifetimebunny below.


- Honey to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

How to make:

1. Mix the ingredients mentioned in the container
2. Stir the two until they are evenly mixed and form a paste
3. Apply to knees thoroughly
4. Leave it for 15 minutes then wipe using a tissue
5. Continue by rinsing until clean
6. Apply your trusty moisturizer
7. Use this mask regularly 2-3 times a week to get evenly bright knees.

5. How to brighten black knees using baking soda.

Baking soda is considered a powerful exfoliator for knees because it contains sodium bicarbonate which is abrasive for the skin. This means that this compound is able to erode certain parts of the skin, including the layers of dead skin that should peel off. Apart from that, baking soda can also brighten the skin by neutralizing the skin's pH without irritating it. To do this, you can listen to the tricks shared by the TikTok account @salarmedicalstore below.


- 1/2 lemon slice
- 1 tablespoon baking soda

How to create and use:

1. Wash the lemon until it is completely clean
2. Pour baking soda over the lemon
3. Rub the two ingredients on the black part of the knee
4. Do gentle circular movements for 1-2 minutes
5. Leave it for 15 minutes then rinse with water until clean
6. Use this scrub regularly 2 times a week for optimal results.

6. How to lighten black knees using olive oil.

Olive oil is a natural ingredient that has various benefits for the skin. One of them you can use to treat black knees. This is because olive oil contains a source of polyphenols and vitamins K and E which are good for the skin. This content is believed to brighten, maintain and fight various skin problems . To do this, you can listen to the trick shared by the TikTok account @shapla_11 below.


1. Granulated sugar to taste
2. 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
3. 1 tablespoon licorice powder
4. Olive oil to taste
5. 1 tablespoon coconut oil
6. Sufficient shower gel.

How to make:

1. Pour granulated sugar, turmeric powder and licorice powder into a container then stir until evenly mixed
2. Add olive oil and coconut oil and stir until combined
3. When it is evenly distributed, pour in enough shower gel then stir again until it resembles a paste
4. Transfer to a storage container
5. Apply all over the body, prioritizing the elbows and knees
6. Rub gently with circular movements for 3-5 minutes
7. Rinse using water until clean
8. Do it regularly 2 times a week for optimal results.

7. How to lighten black knees using rice flour.

Rice flour is often used as a natural exfoliant to remove dirt and dead skin cells. The nutritional and mineral content in rice flour can make the skin brighter. Apart from that, the vitamin and amino acid content is said to be a cleansing agent and can make the skin brighter and whiter. Rice flour has a slightly rough texture, this is the origin of the benefits of rice flour for the skin, which is effective in removing dead skin cells. To do this, you can copy the trick shared by the TikTok account @layallure below.


- 1 cup rice flour
- 1 tablespoon yoghurt
- 1/4 cup yoghurt

How to make:

1. Pour the ingredients into a container
2. Stir all three until evenly mixed and get the texture you want
3. Apply to the knee thoroughly
4. Gently rub the knee area for several minutes
5. Leave it for 20 minutes
6. Rub again while rinsing with water until clean
7. Continue using moisturizer
8. Use this scrub regularly 2 times a week to get bright, dull-free knees.
