YouTube/Saddam Ismail

Lifestyle, diet, and other factors have a big influence on skin care

  26 April 2024 10:10 - Having dry skin requires extra care so that it doesn't have a bad impact, causing the skin to peel and become scaly. Reporting from Healthline, dry skin can be experienced in several parts of the body, starting from the hands, arms, legs and face. That is why dry skin needs to be cared for, so that it is not only smooth and supple, but also healthy and feels moisturized.

Not without reason, this condition can be caused by various factors, such as genetics, the environment, nutritional deficiencies, exposure to irritants, contaminated water, inappropriate or excessive bathing, and certain diseases.

Dry skin may feel very annoying. The reason is that the skin feels rough and textured. Not only that, lack of hydration in the skin will also make the skin age more quickly. It's not surprising that many people experience various signs of aging even though they are still teenagers.

Habits, diet, and other factors included in lifestyle have a big influence on skin care, especially for those with dry skin. Therefore, lifestyle changes are usually the first step taken before other methods. Apart from caring for your face and body using skincare specifically for dry skin, you also need to pay attention to the food you consume.

You are advised to consume foods that can help care for dry skin so that it feels supple and moisturized. Like 7 foods recommended by doctors that make dry skin supple according to a doctor, as summarized by via Saddam Ismail's personal YouTube account below, Thursday (25/4).

1. Sweet potato.

7 Foods recommended by doctors for dry skin Various sources


Sweet potatoes are an excellent food for those with dry skin types. Rich in vitamin A, sweet potatoes can lock moisture into the skin to keep it firm, supple and healthy. Not only that, vitamin A in sweet potatoes can also help speed up cell regeneration and prevent skin peeling.

"Vitamin A will help repair the skin from UV rays from sun exposure, so it can prevent your skin from drying out," said the doctor.

Apart from vitamin A, sweet potatoes also contain vitamin C, retinoids and carotenoids which can help brighten the skin, prevent aging and keep the skin healthy, firm and radiant.

2. Banana.

Quoting Healthline, bananas are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E which can make the skin healthy. One of them is treating dry skin. Bananas also contain silica which is useful for stimulating collagen production. Collagen is an important protein that the skin needs because it is able to maintain skin firmness and prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

"Not only eaten, bananas can also be used as a facial mask, for example mixed with yoghurt," explained Doctor Saddam.

3. Fish.

7 Foods recommended by doctors for dry skin Various sources


Reporting from the Healthline page, several types of fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can help maintain healthy dry skin. Not only that, the omega-3 fats contained in fish can also help you reduce inflammation that occurs on the skin. The reason is, a lack of omega-3 in the skin can actually cause the skin to become dry and dull.

"Tuna and salmon are fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are good for treating dry skin and making it softer and supple. You can process it in a healthy way for consumption," said the doctor.

4. Turmeric.

This yellow kitchen spice called turmeric has various benefits for skin beauty. According to Healthline, the benefits of turmeric are due to the bioactive component curcumin contained in it. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Well, one of the benefits is that it can treat dry skin and keep it supple.

"Turmeric contains curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties to prevent dry skin," explained the doctor.

5. Nuts.

7 Foods recommended by doctors for dry skin Various sources


Nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, contain high levels of essential acids, namely omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, protein and other important nutrients that are good for maintaining healthy skin. It is believed that the nutritional content in nuts can help maintain cell firmness and integration, moisturize dry skin, and make the skin feel soft.

6. Avocado.

Avocado is a fruit that contains natural fats and various other vitamins. Thanks to these ingredients, avocado is claimed to be effective in treating various skin problems, including treating dry skin. Reporting from Healthline, the fat, compound and vitamin content in avocados can help speed up skin repair. The content of vitamin A, natural fats, vitamin C and antioxidants in it is also claimed to be effective in maintaining moisture and making skin supple.

"Consuming healthy fats can help tighten the skin, avoid the risk of dry skin, make the skin brighter and more supple," explained Doctor Saddam.

7. Aloe vera.

7 Foods recommended by doctors for dry skin Various sources


Aloe vera is commonly used as a natural moisturizer to treat dry, rough and peeling skin. This is thanks to the content of polysaccharides and sterols which can help maintain skin moisture. You can consume it or use it as a topical mask.

"If you can process it, you can make juice from this aloe vera or you can buy real aloe vera juice," said the doctor.

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