foto: ; YouTube/motivationaldoc

Not many people know that this fruit has benefits for brightening panda eyes

  13 Februari 2024 18:12 - There are so many daily activities that pile up, perhaps forcing you to stay up late for several days. This habit is certainly not good for body and skin health.

Staying up late can cause panda eyes to appear and the skin in the area feels dry. This condition certainly makes you feel uncomfortable. This certainly inspires you to look for ways to brighten panda eyes and moisturize them.

There are several ways to brighten panda eyes that you can easily follow. The first way to brighten panda eyes and moisturize them is to rest for sufficient time.

Ideally we rest approximately seven to nine hours per day. This process not only makes the body fresh, but allows the skin to recover.

The next way to brighten panda eyes and moisturize them is to do regular skin care. You can use eye cream that contains vitamin C, retinol, and peptides which help reduce pigmentation and increase collagen production, so the skin becomes firmer and wrinkle-free.

Meanwhile, the next way to brighten panda eyes and moisturize them, you can apply a mask cream made from natural ingredients. This method was presented by a doctor named Dr. Mandell's. The doctor uses two main ingredients, namely avocado and honey, to brighten panda eyes and moisturize them.

"I want to share these 2 super foods that will help you tighten skin, smooth puffiness, fight free radicals, and reduce dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles around the eyes," wrote Doctor Mandell's, quoted from the YouTube channel motivationaldoc, Tuesday (13/ 2).

It's easy to make an eye mask, but for those of you who don't know, you can follow the tutorial below:


moisturizes and brightens panda eyes from various sources

photo: YouTube/motivationaldoc

- 1 avocado
- 2 tablespoons pure honey.

How to make:

moisturizes and brightens panda eyes from various sources

photo: YouTube/motivationaldoc

1. Cut the avocado into two parts
2. Pour the avocado into a container
3. Blend it using a spoon
4. Pour pure honey into it
5. Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

How to use:

moisturizes and brightens panda eyes from various sources

photo: YouTube/motivationaldoc

1. Clean the skin around the eyes
2. Apply the mask to the surface of the skin
3. Leave it for approximately 15 to 20 minutes
4. Clean the mask using plain water
5. Apply regularly to get the results you want.

Avocado and honey are effective in brightening panda eyes and moisturizing them.

Avocado is a type of fruit that is high in healthy fats and vitamin E, which can help moisturize dry skin around the eyes. Reporting from, Tuesday (13/2) this natural fat content helps maintain skin moisture and prevents dryness.

Not only that, avocados also contain natural anti-inflammatory compounds, which can help reduce inflammation around the eyes. This can help reduce the swelling and redness that often occurs in the panda eye area. Meanwhile, the content of vitamin C and natural antioxidants in avocados can help brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of dark circles around the eyes.

Honey is a natural moisturizer that can help keep the skin around the eyes moist. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can help cleanse and smooth the skin. The antioxidant content in honey helps reduce inflammation and improves blood circulation around the eyes, which can help reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.