foto:; TikTok/@metdaan.official

Its function is to ensure that makeup is evenly distributed perfectly on the face.

  13 Juni 2024 20:10 - As with makeup techniques , makeup tools are also an important factor in determining the final result of makeup. As the name suggests, makeup tools function to apply makeup products so that the results are more even and optimal. Well, one of the most widely used makeup tools is the foundation brush.

Depending on usage needs, foundation brushes are generally divided into two types, namely with flat heads and round heads. Flat head brushes are used to apply foundation with lighter coverage or a type of tinted moisturizer. If you want thicker and denser coverage, you can choose a brush with a round head.

So, thanks to these benefits, many people are looking for the best quality foundation brush. Even though there are many makeup brush products sold on the market with various claims, it turns out there are still people who make foundation brushes using unexpected items. Even the materials used are second-hand goods, you know. Even so, it turns out the results are as effective as manufactured products.

Make this foundation brush using unexpected items from various sources

photo: TikTok/@metdaan.official

So, the items used are a toothbrush and dishwashing foam. Curious about how to make it? Come on, take a look at the method below, as reported by from the TikTok account @metdaan.official, Thursday (13/6).

Making this foundation brush begins by cutting the bristles of the toothbrush until they are clean. Make sure there are no toothbrush bristles remaining. Furthermore, the account owner then drew a large circle on the dishwashing foam using a type of marker. Then the account owner started cutting the foam following the circle image.

Make this foundation brush using unexpected items from various sources

photo: TikTok/@metdaan.official

After that, the account owner trimmed the edges of the foam using scissors. When it is neat, the foam is then cut into 2 parts. Make sure it doesn't break up, okay? Cut only half. Then, the account owner inserts the tip of the toothbrush (the cut bristles) into the cut foam. He then poured glue to attach the two sides of the foam piece.

The account owner appears to be pressing the foam using his hands until it really sticks perfectly, and the toothbrush stem doesn't come off easily. So, to make it more aesthetic, the account owner wrapped the toothbrush stem using some kind of colorful ribbon and attached it using glue.

The final stage, the account owner tries the effectiveness of the foundation brush he made by using it to blend the foundation. The results were beyond expectations, the foundation really blended perfectly like using a factory product. So, will you try making it too?

Make this foundation brush using unexpected items from various sources

photo: TikTok/@metdaan.official



original sound - IRON GAINS
