
This natural method is safer than the instant way to whiten your face

  28 Februari 2024 15:10

A naturally white and glowing face is still a dream for women. But unfortunately, getting your dream face is not easy. The reason is, each person's skin color depends on genetics.

Therefore, whitening your face does not mean changing your skin color, but what it means is brightening your skin so it doesn't look dull. Actually, the epidermis or skin layer continues to make new skin cells every 14-21 days. If dead skin is not exfoliated properly, the face will become dull.

This dullness makes the skin appear darker than usual. Other factors such as sun exposure can also make skin dark because when exposed, the skin releases melanin. There are various ways to brighten your face that you can do. Even though there are many instant methods to choose from, in fact this step is not necessarily safe for the skin.

Instead of brightening a dull face , you might actually get new skin problems because it is not suitable for using it. So, as an alternative, you can brighten your dull face by using ingredients you have at home.

As shared by the TikTok account @ayur_officialpage on (17/1). In the video, the account owner shares tricks for brightening a dull face using only 4 kitchen ingredients. The ingredients are egg yolk, yoghurt, honey and lemon juice.

Brighten a dull face with 4 kitchen ingredients from various sources

Brighten a dull face with 4 kitchen ingredients

"Japanese Skin Whitening Face Mask," he wrote in the uploaded video, as reported by from the TikTok account @ayur_officialpage, Wednesday (28/2).

Egg yolk is very beneficial for the skin. This is because it contains natural vitamins, nutrients, protein and fatty acids. The benefit of egg yolk for the face this time is that it can be used to brighten the skin. Regular use of egg yolk can brighten the skin as well as overcome problems such as sagging skin and dull looking skin.

Yoghurt is also a kitchen ingredient that can be used to brighten dull skin. This is thanks to the lactic acid content in yogurt which works by inhibiting the production of the tyrosinase enzyme.

Tyrosinase is a type of enzyme that is responsible for producing melanin, the pigment that makes skin darker. When melanin production is inhibited, dull dark skin can change to look bright and healthy.

Likewise, honey not only treats the signs of premature aging, honey masks are also known to be able to brighten and whiten facial skin. This benefit comes from the vitamin E content in it and can be more effective when combined with lemon.

Lemon water is also considered useful in naturally brightening the skin and helping reduce black spots on the face. The benefits of lemon water for the face come from ingredients such as citric acid, malic acid and ascorbic acid, which have skin lightening properties.

After knowing the benefits of each ingredient, let's look at how to make the mask below.

Brighten a dull face with 4 kitchen ingredients from various sources

Brighten a dull face with 4 kitchen ingredients


1. 1 egg yolk
2. 2 tablespoons yoghurt
3. 1 tablespoon honey
4. 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice.

How to make:

Brighten a dull face with 4 kitchen ingredients from various sources

Brighten a dull face with 4 kitchen ingredients

1. Mix the ingredients in a container and stir until evenly mixed
2. Apply evenly to the face and leave for 15 minutes
3. Rinse using water until clean
4. Use it regularly for 3 days, your dull skin will instantly brighten.

It turns out that egg yolk can also control oil production on the face to prevent the appearance of blackheads.

As a source of animal protein, egg yolk is believed to be able to nourish facial skin. Well, apart from being able to whiten the face, egg yolks are also effective for treating oily faces by controlling excess oil production on the face, as an effort to prevent the appearance of blackheads.

Egg yolk is able to control oil on facial skin, but will not make facial skin dry. This is thanks to the content of various nutrients and enzymes in it which are also able to keep the pH of facial skin balanced.

Sagging face and various signs of aging can be treated or prevented with egg yolk.

Egg yolks contain fatty acids and vitamins which are claimed to be able to treat various signs of skin aging, especially tightening loose skin. The selenium and sodium content in egg yolks is also believed to be able to make the skin more elastic, so that wrinkles and other signs of aging on the face can be prevented. As reported by Healthline, egg yolk can make skin look young and firm thanks to its vitamin content.

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