foto: TikTok/@rad.naibaho

Be careful when using lip products

  20 Agustus 2024 22:11 - In addition to dry and dark lips, there are other problems that can disrupt lip health. One of them is swollen lips to the point of bleeding. Usually this condition is the effect of dehydrated skin, causing the skin of the lips to become scaly and peel, causing them to swell and bleed.

Additionally, dehydration can also reduce blood circulation and affect the skin's natural healing process. Lack of fluids interferes with the body's ability to maintain electrolyte balance and cellular hydration, which can cause lips to swell due to improper fluid retention or inflammation.

However, it turns out that swollen and bleeding lips are not only caused by dehydration or lack of drinking, because there are other factors that can also cause problems with the lips. Like the story shared by a TikTok user with the account name @rad.naibaho, who experienced irritated lips that swelled and bled due to a lipstick allergy.

"Just pause it so I can read it. I looked for an old photo but couldn't find it, only this," wrote the account owner in the caption of the uploaded video, which quoted from the TikTok account @rad.naibaho, Tuesday (20/8).

Story of a girl whose lips were swollen and bleeding due to a lipstick allergy TikTok

photo: TikTok/@rad.naibaho

The story began when the account owner wore a new lipstick that she had just bought. After a while of using the lipstick , her lips felt very dry and swollen. She finally decided to go to the doctor to check her condition.

"Every time I seek treatment, they say it's because I don't drink enough, don't have enough fruit, because of other factors. I was only given ointment, supplements, and CTM medicine. When all of them were gone, these symptoms came back!" said the account owner.

Story of a girl whose lips were swollen and bleeding due to a lipstick allergy TikTok

photo: TikTok/@rad.naibaho

As a result, the account owner tried to find out the condition of her lips by reading several articles. Apparently, she had an allergy to the active ingredient in the lipstick she was using. The active ingredient she meant was paraben. It turned out that the effect did make the lips dry, itchy, and peeling.

"It turns out that I'm allergic to parabens in lipstick. And the problem is that almost all cosmetic and skincare brands that we use contain it," he continued.

Story of a girl whose lips were swollen and bleeding due to a lipstick allergy TikTok

photo: TikTok/@rad.naibaho

Over time, the condition of her lips actually got worse, because her lips became dry and looked black. Then, the account owner tried using a lipstick product that claimed all the ingredients were natural. However, it turned out that her lips were still swollen and felt dry.

Worse, she also went through a phase where her lips felt stiff, very dry, cracked and bleeding. As a result, the account owner had difficulty speaking because it felt very sore. Until finally, now her lips have improved after choosing a paraben-free lipstick product.

Story of a girl whose lips were swollen and bleeding due to a lipstick allergy TikTok

photo: TikTok/@rad.naibaho

Well, because of this condition, he reminded people to be more careful before using makeup products, especially for people who have sensitive skin.

"So, those who have sensitive skin should check the ingredients before using cosmetics. So you don't make a mistake," he concluded.
