foto: TikTok/@deasilistiani

The old-fashioned nose contouring technique often makes the face look too strict.

  20 Agustus 2024 19:10 - During the makeup process, nose contouring is often done to perfect the shape so that the nose looks sharper. Not only that, this technique allows someone to adjust the shape of the nose, making it look slimmer, symmetrical, or proportional using makeup.

Simply by applying makeup products using darker colors and light contrasts, you can create shadows to create the desired effect. The goal is to highlight or disguise certain areas of the face, especially the nose.

It should be noted that there are various makeup products used to create contours on the nose. One of them is liquid contour. Liquid contour is designed to provide definition and dimension to the face in a way that is easier to blend than contour in powder or solid cream form.

This product usually has a light texture and is often formulated with ingredients that can provide a smooth and natural finish. Even so, it turns out that many people are still not right in applying liquid contour in the nose area. Most people will draw a straight line following the edge of the nose bone to give a shadow effect.

This method actually makes the contour results less natural, blocked, widened and difficult to blend. Well, if you are one of those who still use this technique, you should check out the trick shared by a TikTok user with the account name @deasilistiani.

The trick to contouring your nose so it doesn't get blocked only requires 1 TikTok cleaning tool

photo: TikTok/@deasilistiani

Through her upload, the account owner shared a trick to contour the nose so that the results are natural. In her trick, she uses a tool in the form of cotton buds.

"Who still uses the old contour method? Making a straight line blocks the nose so it's not natural. Try this trick," wrote the account owner in the caption of the uploaded video, as quoted by , Tuesday (20/8).

The trick to contouring your nose so it doesn't get blocked only requires 1 TikTok cleaning tool

photo: TikTok/@deasilistiani

The trick is quite easy, you only need to prepare your favorite liquid contour and 1 cotton bud. Furthermore, take the liquid contour product with a cotton bud so that the product is not too much. After that, make two dots on the upper left and upper right edges of the nose.

Then, make the same point in the middle of the nose area slightly downwards, one point on each side. Then, make a point at the tip of the nasal bone (make sure it is right in the middle).

The trick to contouring your nose so it doesn't get blocked only requires 1 TikTok cleaning tool

photo: TikTok/@deasilistiani

After that, use both little fingers to blend the dots, starting from the center point down the tip of the nose in a circular shape. Next, blend the top dot slowly. Make sure the liquid contour is completely blended so that the results are not blocked.

The trick to contouring your nose so it doesn't get blocked only requires 1 TikTok cleaning tool

photo: TikTok/@deasilistiani

Now, to make it look more natural, add 1-2 dots of concealer on the edge of the nose. Finally, blend it again using your fingers until all the products look perfectly blended. This trick will make your nose contour results more natural and save products of course.
