
If the lips are so dry that they peel, the risk of black lips is also higher.

  20 Juni 2024 13:10 - Lips that are not kept healthy are at risk of becoming dry, black and peeling. This condition is caused by several factors, such as an unhealthy lifestyle, exposure to UV rays from the sun, smoking habits, allergies, excessive caffeine consumption, hormonal imbalances, aging factors, and certain diseases.

Some diseases that cause black lips are anemia, dermatitis, lentigo, and others. Not only that, usually fake lip cosmetic products or those containing harsh chemicals will make the lip color darker and appear black.

Even things that most people don't realize, such as dehydration or cold weather, can also cause lips to look very dry, you know. So, if your lips are so dry that they peel, then the risk of your lips turning black is also higher.

This condition is quite disturbing to one's appearance and reduces a person's self-confidence. Therefore, quite a few people are looking for ways to brighten their lips which are black and feel very dry. Starting from using lipcare products, getting treatments at beauty clinics, to using natural ingredients.

Brighten black and very dry lips with 2 kitchen ingredients from various sources

photo: TikTok/@waneyazee

As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @waneyazee, who uses 2 kitchen ingredients to brighten black lips and moisturize them. So, you no longer need to buy lip scrub products on the market. The kitchen ingredients in question are granulated sugar and butter. Come on, see how to make it below, which was reported by from the TikTok account @waneyazee, Thursday (20/6).


- 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar
- Butter to taste

Brighten black and very dry lips with 2 kitchen ingredients from various sources

photo: TikTok/@waneyazee

How to create and use:

1. Pour granulated sugar into a container
2. Add the melted butter
3. Stir the two ingredients until evenly mixed
4. Clean your lips first from any remaining makeup
5. Rub your homemade lip scrub thoroughly on the lip area
6. Rub gently for 3-4 minutes
7. Rinse using water until clean
8. Continue using a moisturizer such as lip balm or petroleum jelly
9. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get naturally bright and soft lips.

Brighten black and very dry lips with 2 kitchen ingredients from various sources

photo: TikTok/@waneyazee

The benefits of granulated sugar to brighten lips and treat dry lips.

You can use granulated sugar to overcome the problem of black and dry lips, you know. The granular texture of granulated sugar makes it an abrasive material that can be used as a scrub. This natural ingredient also acts as a natural humectant which is excellent for maintaining moist and healthy lips.

Butter is effective for keeping lips moist and soft.

Butter contains vitamins and nutrients that are good for the body, such as vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin A, and selenium. Thanks to the vitamin E content in it, butter can keep lips moist and soft. Even the fat content in it is also effective in preventing lips from peeling due to being too dry.
