
Consuming foods and drinks that contain strong dyes is one of the causes of teeth turning yellow.

  29 Desember 2024 17:00 - Yellow teeth are a condition that occurs when the tooth enamel, which is white, experiences a decline in quality and is exposed, exposing the more yellow dentin layer underneath. Tooth enamel naturally tends to thin with age, but daily habits also play an important role in tooth discoloration.

One of the main causes of yellow teeth is the consumption of foods and drinks that contain strong dyes, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and foods high in sugar. These dyes can stick to the tooth enamel and cause discoloration over time.

Smoking can also cause stains that are difficult to remove, because the nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes stick to the surface of the teeth and cause teeth to turn yellow. In addition, poor oral hygiene can worsen the condition of yellow teeth.

Infrequent brushing or flossing can lead to plaque and tartar buildup, which can cause discoloration of the teeth. Genetics also play a role in yellowing of the teeth. Some people may have a naturally thinner enamel layer, making the yellow dentin more visible.

Although it can be treated with bleaching treatment, in fact you can make your own teeth whitening paste using only household ingredients. As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @natural_beauty078.

A mixture of petroleum jelly and 1 kitchen ingredient is effective in whitening yellow teeth. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@natural_beauty078

Through her upload, she appears to be using a mixture of petroleum jelly and 1 kitchen ingredient that is effective in whitening yellow teeth. The kitchen ingredient in question is salt. Let's see how to mix it, which has launched on Sunday (29/12).


- 1 teaspoon petroleum jelly
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon of toothpaste

A mixture of petroleum jelly and 1 kitchen ingredient is effective in whitening yellow teeth. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@natural_beauty078

How to mix and use:

1. Pour the ingredients into a clean container.
2. Stir all three until evenly mixed and the texture is like paste.
3. Use this whitening paste to brush your teeth as usual.
4. Rub all over your teeth for 1-2 minutes.
5. Rinse by gargling with warm water.
6. Do this regularly every day or every 2 days to get white teeth without bleaching treatment.

A mixture of petroleum jelly and 1 kitchen ingredient is effective in whitening yellow teeth. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@natural_beauty078

Petroleum jelly is effective in treating yellow teeth .

Petroleum jelly, although better known as a skincare product, can actually be a temporary solution to yellow teeth. While not a permanent solution or a substitute for professional dental care, petroleum jelly can help cover yellow stains on teeth by forming a protective layer that prevents food and drink dyes from sticking to tooth enamel.

When petroleum jelly is applied to the teeth, the thin layer it forms acts as a protective barrier, reducing direct contact with staining agents. In addition, its oily nature can help lubricate the surface of the teeth, making them appear cleaner and brighter.

Benefits of salt for whitening yellow teeth.

Salt can whiten yellow teeth thanks to its abrasive and antiseptic properties. When used correctly, salt can act as a powerful natural scrubbing agent that removes plaque and stains from the surface of the teeth. Salt also has the ability to increase saliva flow, which works to clean teeth of food debris and reduce the buildup of plaque-causing bacteria.
