
This drink powder contains ingredients that can regenerate new skin cells.

  25 Juni 2024 11:10 - Facial pores are one part of the skin that functions as a way to remove toxins from the body. Pores are able to regulate body temperature and moisturize the skin. Even though it has good benefits for the skin, pores have a risk of developing a buildup of dirt, oil and makeup residue.

All of these things can cause a number of problems for skin health, such as acne, blackheads and a dull looking face. Well, these enlarged pores make your face look less smooth and textured. This is what makes a number of people want to shrink facial pores .

But did you know? Facial pores actually cannot be reduced. Facial pores can only be minimized, one way is by using ice cube treatment made from natural ingredients . This step is like what Instagram users with the account @official_rgmakeover do.

Through uploading reels on his Instagram account, he appears to be using frozen ground coffee. This treatment is usually known as ice cube treatment. So, are you curious about how to make and use this ice cube treatment? Come on, look at the information below:


how to shrink facial pores. various sources

photo: Instagram/@official_rgmakeover

- Water
- 1 sachet of black coffee powder

How to make:

how to shrink facial pores. various sources

photo: Instagram/@official_rgmakeover

1. Boil water until it boils
2. Pour water into the container
3. Sprinkle coffee grounds in the container
4. Leave it for a few minutes until it cools
5. Put it in the freezer until frozen
6. You can use the ice cube.

How to use:

how to shrink facial pores. various sources

photo: Instagram/@official_rgmakeover

1. Make sure your face is clean
2. Rub the ice cube on your face
3. Leave it for a few minutes
4. Rinse using normal water
5. Use it regularly so that the pores shrink and the face becomes smooth.

Benefits of coffee for facial care

Coffee grounds are not only used to brew drinks and treat drowsiness. However, ground coffee has other benefits for facial beauty, one of which is shrinking pores. According to Medical News Today, black coffee powder contains caffeine which can regenerate new skin cells. Therefore, the caffeine in this coffee can make your skin brighter and fresher.

Apart from that, black coffee powder also helps treat acne. The reason is, this coffee powder contains antioxidants, stimulants and chlorogenic acid which can fight acne-causing bacteria. The antioxidant content in coffee grounds can also clean facial pores.

Not only that, applying a coffee mask to your face can also protect your skin from sun exposure. This is because coffee powder contains antioxidants and polyphenols. Meanwhile, the antioxidants in coffee can increase collagen production. Of course, increasing collagen production makes the face look youthful and free from fine lines and wrinkles.
