foto: TikTok/@_ayira_

Dirt that clogs pores can cause problems, including acne and blackheads.

  16 Mei 2024 13:11 - Some facial skin problems are caused by dirty pores. In fact, pores should remain clean, so that skin regeneration continues to run well and prevents the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

Pores are actually a component of the skin whose job is to channel sebum or the skin's natural oils. This is an effort to keep the skin moist and supple. But unfortunately, sometimes facial pores appear bigger and dirtier.

Not without reason, this condition is caused by a blockage of dirt. The dirt in question is a buildup of dead skin cells, leftover makeup that has not been cleaned optimally, dust and pollution.

These various impurities will clog pores and cause various skin problems. Such as blackheads, blackheads, and inflamed acne. Even the skin also looks dull, textured and has an uneven color. Well, this dirt will also become a place for the growth of bacteria that cause inflamed acne.

Therefore, you need to take care to clean facial pores. One way is to exfoliate regularly. In the skin cycling method, exfoliation is an important thing that can be done in various ways. Starting from exfoliating with toner and serum, to using exfoliators made from natural ingredients.

You can also remove dirt trapped in facial pores by using a natural mask. As uploaded by a girl via her personal TikTok account @_ayira_, which uses egg whites with the addition of 2 kitchen ingredients. Well, the kitchen ingredients in question are turmeric powder and lemon.

Peel off cleans facial pores TikTok

photo: TikTok/@_ayira_

The benefits of egg whites for cleaning facial pores.

It turns out that egg whites can be used as a natural exfoliator, which can remove dead skin cells, excess oil, dust and dirt that clog pores. This is thanks to the content of protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, calcium, choline, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, lutein, zeaxanthin, folate and so on.

Contains turmeric powder to remove dirt that causes dull skin and dirty pores.

Turmeric powder contains active compounds such as curcumin which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Thanks to its content, turmeric is an effective ingredient in helping shrink pores by reducing excess oil production. Turmeric can also minimize skin inflammation and prevent the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Its natural cleansing and brightening properties are effective in cleaning dirt that causes a dull face and clogged pores.

Lemon is effective for optimally cleaning facial pores.

Apart from vitamin C, lemons also contain antioxidants and citric acid which are good for skin health. According to Healthline, the citric acid content in lemons can act as a natural exfoliator to remove dead skin cells that clog pores. In general, citric acid plays an important role as a natural astringent which can help clean pores and control oil production in the skin.

Relying on these three kitchen ingredients, you can make an effective peel off facial mask to clean facial pores to avoid other skin problems. This is how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @_ayira_, Thursday (16/5).

Peel off cleans facial pores TikTok

photo: TikTok/@_ayira_


- 1 egg white
- Lemon juice to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
- Beauty wipes

Peel off cleans facial pores TikTok

photo: TikTok/@_ayira_

How to create and use:

1. Crack the egg and take the white only
2. Add lemon and turmeric powder
3. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed
4. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt before using this mask
5. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly
6. Attach the beauty tissue then cover it again with the mask
7. Make sure the tissue sticks to your face
8. Leave it until dry or around 15-20 minutes
9. Remove the tissue from your face slowly
10. Rinse using water until clean
11. Continue using moisturizer
12. Do this method regularly 2 times a week to get a smoother face.

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