
You can stop using mercury skincare without experiencing a breakout.

  8 Agustus 2024 19:10 - Using skincare that contains mercury is often tempting because it promises instant results in brightening and whitening the skin. However, behind these seemingly immediate benefits, mercury poses major dangers to the health of the skin and body as a whole. Mercury can cause irritation, permanent damage to the skin layers, and even serious health problems such as mercury poisoning. Therefore, it is important to immediately stop using mercury skincare for better health.

Stopping the use of mercury skincare can be a challenge because many people worry that they will experience breakouts or other skin problems when they stop. However, with the right steps, you can stop using mercury skincare without experiencing a breakout.

One effective way is to change products gradually, giving the skin time to adapt to the change. Apart from that, using skincare with natural and soothing ingredients such as aloe vera, chamomile and green tea can help soothe the skin and repair damage caused by mercury.

So, here are 9 ways to stop using mercury skincare without breaking out that you can follow, as summarized by from various sources, Thursday (8/8).

1. Consult a dermatologist.

stop mercury skincare  2024


Quoting from WebMD, the most important step is to consult a dermatologist or skin expert. They can help identify your skin condition and provide recommendations for safe and appropriate products to help with the transition process from mercury skincare.

2. Use products with natural ingredients

Choose skincare with natural ingredients such as aloe vera, chamomile and green tea. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skincare that contains natural ingredients is known to have a calming effect and helps repair skin damage without causing irritation or breakouts.

3. Slowly replace the product.

Quoting from Healthline, you need to avoid drastic changes by immediately stopping all mercury products. Make changes slowly, one product at a time, to give your skin a chance to adapt and reduce the risk of breakouts.

4. Increase your consumption of water.

stop mercury skincare  2024


Consuming enough water every day helps keep the skin hydrated and supports the body's detoxification process from within. Water helps remove toxins including mercury from the body and keeps skin healthy.

5. Use a soothing moisturizer.

Choose a moisturizer that has soothing ingredients such as ceramide or hyaluronic acid. This moisturizer helps maintain skin moisture and strengthens the skin barrier that may have been damaged by mercury.

6. Avoid products with heavy ingredients.

During the transition period, avoid using products with heavy ingredients such as acids or retinoids which can increase the risk of irritation and breakouts. Focus on products that are gentle and soothing to the skin.

7. Exfoliate gently.

stop mercury skincare  2024


Another treatment is that you can exfoliate to remove dead skin cells. Quoting from Verywell Health, you need to choose a gentle exfoliator, such as an enzymatic exfoliator or chemical exfoliator with low AHA/BHA. Apart from that, you also need to avoid harsh physical exfoliators. The reason is, this can cause skin irritation.

8. Maintain a healthy diet.

Not only external care, according to Medical News Today, skin also needs nutrition as a form of protection from within. Good nutrition plays an important role in skin health. Consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as fruits, vegetables and healthy proteins. Avoid foods that can trigger inflammation such as oily foods and high sugar .

9. Use sunscreen every day

You need to know, exposure to UV rays can worsen the condition of skin that has been exposed to mercury. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, it is important to always use sunscreen with the appropriate SPF every day. This can protect your skin from further damage.
