
Consistency in applying each of these stages is an important factor in achieving healthy and radiant skin.

  8 Agustus 2024 10:10 - Korean beauty has now become a global phenomenon that influences skin care trends throughout the world. With flawless, bright, and radiant skin, Koreans have long been a role model for effective skin care. The secret behind Korean-style perfect skin lies in her skin care routine.

Korean skincare step is a skin care series consisting of ten stages designed to provide intensive and comprehensive care for the face. This stage includes the use of various products ranging from cleansers, toners, essences, serums, to moisturizers and sunscreen. Each stage has complementary functions and benefits to create optimal final results on the skin.

Using Korean skincare steps is not just about following trends, but is also a very scientific approach that has been proven to be effective. Natural ingredients, advanced technology and innovative formulas are the main keys to K-beauty products. Apart from that, consistency in implementing each of these stages is also an important factor in achieving healthy and radiant skin.

So, are you curious about the stages of Ginseng Country style skin care? Come on, take a look at the 10 stages of Korean skincare steps for women as summarized by from various sources, Thursday (8/8).

1. Cleansing oil.

Korean skincare steps  2024


The first step in the Korean skincare step is to use cleansing oil. Cleansing oil functions to remove makeup and oil-based dirt on the face. This product effectively cleanses without stripping the skin of its natural moisture. Quoting from Allure, cleansing oil can gently dissolve excess sebum and oil.

2. Water-based cleanser.

After using cleansing oil, the next step is a water-based cleanser. This stage helps clean water-based dirt such as sweat and dust. Using two types of cleanser helps ensure the skin is completely clean and ready to receive the next treatment.

3. Exfoliator.

Korean skincare steps  2024


Exfoliation is done to remove dead skin cells and clean pores. This stage should be done 1-2 times a week so that the skin does not become irritated. Exfoliation helps the skin become smoother and improves the absorption of other skin care products. According to Healthline, regular exfoliation can prevent acne and make your skin more radiant.

4. Toner.

Toner functions to balance the skin's pH after cleansing and exfoliating. Toner also helps moisturize the skin and prepares the face to absorb the next skin care product. Using a toner containing natural ingredients can soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.

5. Essence.

Korean skincare steps  2024


Essence is a unique skin care product in the Korean skincare step. Essence contains active ingredients that penetrate deeper into the skin layers to provide hydration and increase cell regeneration. Essence helps skin look healthier and more radiant.

6. Serum or ampoule.

Serum or ampoule is a more concentrated skin care product and is used to treat certain skin problems such as hyperpigmentation, wrinkles or acne. This product contains high concentrations of active ingredients which provide faster and more effective results.

7. Sheet masks.

Korean skincare steps  2024


A sheet mask is a disposable face mask soaked in serum. This stage provides intensive moisture and nutrition to the skin. Sheet masks should be used 2-3 times a week for optimal results. According to Dermstore, regular use of sheet masks can increase skin hydration and make skin appear more supple and bright.

8. Eye Cream.

The skin around the eyes is very thin and prone to wrinkles and other signs of aging. Eye cream is specially formulated to treat problems in this area, such as dark circles, puffy eyes and fine lines. Using eye cream regularly can help keep the eye area moisturized and reduce signs of aging.

9. Moisturizer.

Moisturizer or moisturizer is an important step to lock in all the hydration and nutrition that previous products have provided. Moisturizer helps keep the skin moist and protects the skin from environmental factors that can cause damage. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type for maximum results.

10. Sunscreen.

The final step in the Korean skincare step is the use of sunscreen. Sunscreen protects the skin from the dangers of UV rays which can cause premature aging and skin cancer. Quoting from the American Academy of Dermatology, using sunscreen every day is the most effective step to protect the skin from damage caused by sunlight.
