
Apart from reactions to active ingredients, allergies to one of the ingredients in skincare products can also trigger a burning sensation.

  7 Agustus 2024 10:10 - The hot sensation after using skincare can be caused by various factors. One of them is the skin's reaction to the active ingredients in the product. Ingredients such as retinol, salicylic acid, and AHA/BHA which are often found in skincare products have strong properties and can cause irritation if the skin is not used to it or if the product is used in the wrong way. Apart from that, an unsuitable combination of products or excessive use can also be the main cause.

Apart from reactions to active ingredients, allergies to one of the ingredients in skincare products can also trigger a burning sensation. Fragrances, preservatives and synthetic dyes are some of the ingredients that often cause allergic reactions in sensitive skin. Skin that is too dry or damaged is also more susceptible to irritation and a hot sensation when skincare products are applied.

To understand more about the causes and how to overcome the burning sensation after using skincare, let's find out the seven causes and how to overcome them, as collected from various sources, Tuesday (6/8).

1. Allergic reaction.

Using skincare, your face feels hot  2024

using skincare, my face feels hot

It is common knowledge that skincare products contain various active ingredients. Some ingredients in skincare products can trigger allergic reactions on the skin. Ingredients such as fragrances, preservatives and synthetic dyes often cause allergies.

So that your facial skin doesn't experience an allergic reaction, you need to do a patch test before using a new product. You just need to apply a small amount of the product behind your ear or wrist and wait 24 hours to see if there is a reaction.

2. Irritation of active ingredients.

The next cause is that using active ingredients such as retinol, salicylic acid, and AHA/BHA can cause irritation, especially if used in high concentrations or on sensitive skin.

The way to overcome this is to use products with active ingredients gradually. Start with a low frequency of use and increase it slowly. Choose a product with a concentration that suits your skin type.

3. Incompatible product combinations.

Using skincare, your face feels hot  2024

using skincare, my face feels hot

When trying new skincare, you might want to try combining it with other products. So you need to know, using several skincare products with strong active ingredients at the same time can cause a hot or burning reaction on the skin.

As a solution, before applying a combination of products, try to check your skincare routine again. Then make sure not to use too many harsh products at once. Leave a break between using products with strong active ingredients.

4. Skin that is too dry or damaged.

Do you have dry skin type? You need to pay attention, very dry or damaged skin has a weak protective layer. Therefore, you are more susceptible to irritation and a hot sensation when using skincare products.

If your skin is already irritated, focus skin care on moisture and the skin barrier. By using a moisturizer rich in ceramides and hyaluronic acid before applying other products.

5. Over-Exfoliating

Exfoliation treatment has the main function of removing dead skin cells. However, if you exfoliate too often, your skin won't become brighter. In fact, you can experience over-exfoliating or excessive exfoliation. This can damage the skin's protective layer, causing irritation and a burning sensation.

To prevent this from happening, you need to limit exfoliation to a maximum of 2-3 times a week. Choose a gentle exfoliator that suits your skin type.

6. Inappropriate product pH.

Skincare products have various product pHs. However, using a skincare product pH that is too high or too low can disrupt the skin's natural pH balance. Therefore, it can cause irritation and a burning sensation.

As a solution, you can choose skincare products with a balanced pH, namely around 5.5, which is in accordance with the skin's natural pH.

7. Use of products on sensitive skin areas.

When applying skincare, don't just rub it in. The reason is, some skin areas, such as around the eyes and mouth, are more sensitive and easily irritated by skincare products.

Therefore, before applying it to your face, you need to avoid using harsh products on sensitive areas. Choose a product specifically formulated for that area.

How to overcome the burning sensation after using skincare.

Using skincare, your face feels hot  2024

using skincare, my face feels hot

If you experience a burning sensation after using skincare, there are several ways you can use to relieve it, including:

1. Immediately wash your face with cold water to reduce the sensation of heat and soothe the skin.
2. Apply a moisturizer that contains soothing ingredients such as aloe vera or chamomile to help relieve irritation.
3. Do not apply other skincare products until the skin has completely recovered from the irritation.
4. If the burning sensation persists or worsens, consult a dermatologist for appropriate advice and treatment.
