
One of the causes of tangled hair is because it is rarely combed.

  5 Juli 2024 16:10 - Apart from hair loss and dandruff, tangled and dry hair is also a problem that disturbs the appearance of many people. The reason is, tangled and dry hair makes your appearance less attractive, because it is difficult to manage and not smooth. The main cause of tangled hair is rarely caring for and combing your hair.

Combing your hair is a simple treatment that needs to be done every day. However, this is often forgotten, making hair difficult to manage and looking messy. You need to comb your hair twice a day, morning and evening. This treatment can make hair neater, smoother, and get rid of dirt in the hair.

Apart from that, tangled hair can also occur due to the use of unsuitable hair care products. Using hair care containing isopropyl, sodium lauryl sulfate, and sodium laureth sulfate can make hair break easily and become damaged. Therefore, avoid using hair care with these ingredients.

How to deal with frizzy hair  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@_spallspill17

Not only that, you can also restore smoothness to frizzy hair by using a trick shared by TikTok user @_spallspill17. Through his upload, the account owner @_spallspill17 shared a trick that combines two products, namely hair mask and hair oil. The combination of these two products to restore smoothness to frizzy hair.

Not only that, the combination of these two ingredients can also make hair healthier. How to make a mixture of these two products is quite easy, let's look at the steps below, as reported by from TikTok/@_spallspill17, Friday (5/7).

How to deal with frizzy hair  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@_spallspill17

1. Prepare hair mask and hair oil
2. Pour the hair mask into a clean container
3. Pour enough hair oil
4. Mix all ingredients until evenly mixed
5. Apply the mixture to your hair evenly, but wet your hair first
6. Leave it for 15 to 30 minutes
7. Rinse using the shampoo you usually use
8. Use conditioner to make your hair soft and smooth
9. Dry using a hair dryer
10. By using the method above, your hair will become smoother and easier to manage.
