
Many people mistake purging as a sign that the product is not suitable

  29 Juli 2024 19:46 - The skin care business is becoming more massive. There are more and more choices of skincare products available. This skincare product comes with various tempting promises. Women need to understand that not all products are suitable for all skin types.

Two phenomena that often confuse skincare lovers are "unsuitable" and "purging" reactions. Understanding the differences between the two is critical to determining whether to continue or discontinue use of a product.

An adverse reaction occurs when the skin reacts negatively to a product. This can be caused by various factors, such as allergies to certain ingredients or formulations that are too harsh on the skin. Meanwhile, purging is a process where the skin experiences "detoxification" due to the use of certain active products, especially those containing exfoliating ingredients such as retinol or glycolic acid.

Distinguishing between incompatibility reactions and purging is a challenge in itself. Many people mistakenly think that purging is a sign that the product is not suitable, when in fact their skin is in the process of adjusting which can bring long-term benefits. On the other hand, there are also those who continue to use products that are actually not suitable, in the hope that their skin condition will improve after the " purging " phase which actually does not occur.

So, here are some of the different characteristics that you need to know, as summarized by from various sources, Monday (29/7).

Skincare characteristics are not suitable.

characteristics of unsuitable skincare  2024


When skin reacts badly to unsuitable skincare products, this reaction is usually caused by irritation or allergy. Some general characteristics that indicate that skincare is not suitable include:

1. Rash and redness.

Skin that is not compatible with certain products often turns red and rashes appear. Reporting from Monday (29/7) American Academy of Dermatology Association, this redness usually occurs after using skincare for a few days.

2. Itching and burning sensation.

An itching or burning sensation is a sign that the skin is irritated. Quoting from the Mayo Clinic, this can occur in certain areas or all over the face, depending on the product used.

3. Inflamed acne.

The appearance of large, red, inflamed pimples is a common sign that a skincare product is not suitable. Quoting from Healthline, this symptom is different from purging which usually produces small, non-inflammatory pimples.

4. Dry and peeling skin.

You need to know that the characteristics of unsuitable skincare are dry and peeling skin. This is because the product content is too harsh, causing the skin to become very dry, peeling, or even chapped.

Signs and causes of purging.

characteristics of unsuitable skincare  2024


Purging occurs when the skin reacts to products that speed up cell turnover, such as retinoids or exfoliating acids. This process pushes out dirt and oil trapped in the pores, triggering temporary breakouts before the skin improves. So, the signs of purging are as follows:

1. Small, non-inflammatory acne.

Purging is usually characterized by the appearance of small pimples, blackheads, and pustules in areas where acne usually occurs. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, this shows that the product is working to clean the pores.

2. Limited duration.

As additional information, purging usually lasts four to six weeks. If acne continues to appear after this period, it is possible that the product is not suitable for your skin.

3. Location of acne appearance.

Purging occurs in places where you usually experience acne, while negative reactions to products can appear in new areas that are not usually problematic on the face.

4. Skin becomes better afterward.

Unlike unsuitable skincare, purging provides benefits afterwards. You need to know, after the purging period is finished, your skin looks cleaner, smoother and healthier. The reason is, this can happen because the product has succeeded in cleaning pores and accelerating skin cell regeneration.
