
Adjust to the conditions and needs of your face.

  25 Juli 2024 20:10 - Peeling and exfoliation are two popular beauty methods to rejuvenate the skin and improve appearance. Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, there are actually significant differences between peeling and exfoliation that are important to understand.

Please note, exfoliation refers to the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This method is generally lighter and can be done regularly at home.

Peeling, also known as a chemical peel, is a more intensive procedure and often involves the use of stronger chemicals to remove deeper layers of skin. Usually this peeling treatment is carried out at a beauty clinic. However, as technology advances, now this treatment can be done at home using skincare products specifically formulated for peeling.

Difference between peeling and exfoliation


After knowing the meaning of exfoliation and peeling, what is the difference between the two treatments? So, so that you don't use it wrongly, let's look at the 4 differences between peeling and exfoliation, as summarized from various sources, Thursday (25/7).

Difference between peeling and exfoliation in skincare.

Difference between peeling and exfoliation


1. Intensity of use.

The difference between peeling and exfoliation lies in the intensity and depth of the action. Exfoliation usually works on the top layer of skin. So, the benefits of using exfoliation on the face are preventing the appearance of acne, helping skincare absorption, maximally regenerating the skin, and improving the texture.

Meanwhile, peeling can penetrate the skin deeper, depending on the type and concentration of ingredients used. The benefits obtained from peeling are preventing the appearance of acne and removing scars, treating rosacea skin problems, preventing aging, and fading hyperpigmentation. Even peeling can prevent the risk of skin cancer.

2. Frequency of use.

In terms of use, exfoliation can be done several times a week. Usually it can be done one to three times a week. This is because exfoliation has a lower acid content compared to peeling. Using it too often can irritate the skin. Meanwhile, exfoliate once a week to avoid over-exfoliation .

Meanwhile, peeling is usually done at longer intervals, perhaps once a month or once every few months. This is because peeling contains chemicals, such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid or lactic acid. High acid content can cause skin peeling and cause irritation.

3. Use of materials.

The materials used also differentiate these two methods. Exfoliation can use physical scrubs or mild acids such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA). Meanwhile peels generally use stronger chemical solutions such as glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid (TCA).

That way, the results obtained are also different. Exfoliation provides smoother, brighter results in the short term. While peeling can produce more significant changes in skin texture and color.

4. Risks of use.

Another difference that is important for you to know is in terms of risks and recovery time. Exfoliation generally has minimal risks and requires no recovery time.

While peels can have higher risks and may require longer recovery time, especially for more intense peels.

Differences in how to apply exfoliating and peeling serum.

Difference between peeling and exfoliation


Not only do you know the difference between peeling and exfoliation, you also need to know how to use peeling and exfoliation beauty methods. So, here's how to exfoliate and peel properly.


1. Clean your face with a gentle cleanser
2. If using a physical scrub:
- Apply the scrub gently using circular movements.
- Avoid sensitive areas such as around the eyes.
- Rinse with warm water.

If using a rinse-off exfoliating serum:

- Apply serum to face.
- Leave it for just 5 minutes.
- Rinse off the serum.
- Apply hydrating or moisturizing products.

If using an exfoliating toner:

- Pour exfoliating toner on cotton.
- Apply to face by pressing gently.
- Leave the toner for a minute or two until it dries and proceed to the next treatment step.

4. Apply moisturizer after using a series of exfoliating products. By exfoliating, facial skin is usually more sensitive, especially to sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended that you exfoliate at night and don't forget to use sunscreen in the morning.

Apply peeling serum.

- Clean your face and dry it.
- Apply the peeling solution according to the instructions, usually with cotton wool.
- Leave for the specified time (usually a few minutes).
- Neutralize or rinse according to product instructions.
- Apply moisturizer after using a series of peeling products. By applying peeling serum, facial skin is usually more sensitive, especially to sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended that you apply peeling at night and don't forget to use sunscreen in the morning.

As additional information regarding the use of peeling, you need to start with a lighter product and increase the intensity gradually to avoid irritation of the skin.
