
The order of using skincare is very important because each product has a different function and must be applied correctly.

  9 Agustus 2024 21:25 - Using skincare products in the right order is key to getting the most out of every step of your skincare routine. One question that often arises is, "Sunscreen first or skincare first?" This article will discuss the correct order of facial care, including where sunscreen should be used in a daily routine.

The order in which you apply your skincare is very important because each product has a different function and must be applied correctly in order to work optimally. If you apply products in the wrong order, your skin may not be able to absorb the active ingredients optimally, or worse, some products may conflict with each other and reduce each other's effectiveness.

The following is the correct order of using skincare, as reported by from various sources, Thursday (8/8).

1. Facial cleanser (Cleanser).

sunscreen first or skincare first  2024

sunscreen first or skincare first

The first step in a skincare routine is cleansing your face. A facial cleanser works to remove dirt, oil, and makeup residue that sticks to your skin. Proper cleansing will prepare your skin to better absorb subsequent skincare products.

2. Toner.

Toners help restore the skin's pH, which may have been disturbed after washing your face, and prepare your skin to absorb subsequent skincare products. Toners can also provide additional hydration and remove any remaining dirt or oil.

3. Serum.

Serum is a product that has a high concentration of active ingredients to address certain skin problems such as premature aging, hyperpigmentation, or dehydration. Serums usually have a light texture so they can penetrate deeper into the skin. Choose a serum that suits your skin needs and apply it after toner.

4. Moisturizer.

Moisturizing is an important step to lock in moisture and maintain a healthy skin barrier. All skin types, including oily skin, need moisturizer to maintain moisture balance. Moisturizers also help create a protective layer on the skin that protects against external factors such as pollution.

5. Sunscreen.

Sunscreen is the last step in your morning skincare routine. The main function of sunscreen is to protect the skin from the dangers of UV rays that can cause premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and even skin cancer. Sunscreen should be used after moisturizer, as the last layer of protection before you go outdoors. Don't forget to choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and make sure to apply it evenly all over your face and neck.

Sunscreen first or skincare?

sunscreen first or skincare first  2024

sunscreen first or skincare first

To answer the question "sunscreen first or skincare first?", the answer is skincare first, then sunscreen. Sunscreen should always be the last step in your morning routine because its main function is as a protector. If you apply sunscreen before other products, the effectiveness of sunscreen in protecting the skin from UV rays can be reduced.

On the other hand, if you apply skincare products like serums or moisturizers after sunscreen, these products may not be able to penetrate the sunscreen layer effectively. This can reduce the benefits you get from these care products.

Why is sunscreen so important?

sunscreen first or skincare first  2024

sunscreen first or skincare first

Sunscreen is one of the most important skincare products in a skincare routine, but it is often overlooked. Wearing sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days or when you are indoors, is key to protecting your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.

According to dermatologists, UV exposure is one of the leading causes of premature aging and other skin conditions like dark spots and wrinkles. By using sunscreen every day, you help prevent skin damage that can have long-term effects.

Tips to maximize the use of sunscreen.

sunscreen first or skincare first  2024

sunscreen first or skincare first

Make sure you use enough sunscreen, about a teaspoon for your entire face and neck. Using too little will not provide adequate protection.

Meanwhile, if you are doing outdoor activities or exposed to water, reapply sunscreen every two hours to maintain skin protection.

Then choose the right sunscreen. There are various types of sunscreen, such as chemical and physical sunscreen. Choose one that suits your skin type, such as physical sunscreen which is more suitable for sensitive skin.
