
Skincare products containing tranexamic acid can be used at night and in the morning.

  7 Agustus 2024 05:45 - As technology advances in the beauty sector , there are now various active ingredients that can solve a person's facial problems. Starting from removing black spots due to aging, acne scars, to brightening dull skin. One ingredient that can overcome all these problems is tranexamic acid.

What is tranexamic acid skincare content?

Tranexamic acid is a synthetic derivative of the amino acid lysine. Initially, this material was used in the medical world to treat excessive bleeding, such as major surgery, postpartum bleeding, and heavy menstrual bleeding.

However, further research found that tranexamic acid also has extraordinary benefits for the skin. Especially if used to treat hyperpigmentation problems.

According to doctor Joshua Zeichner, Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research at Mount Sinai Hospital Dermatology, quoted by from Healthline, tranexamic acid works by inhibiting the process that causes excessive skin pigmentation. This makes the tranexamic acid skincare content an effective choice for treating various skin pigmentation problems.

Benefits of tranexamic acid skincare content for the face.

tranexamic acid skincare  2024


Tranexamic acid can not only brighten the skin, there are a number of other benefits that you can get. So, are you curious about the benefits of tranexamic acid for the face? The following are the benefits as summarized by from various sources, Tuesday (6/8).

1. Brightens the skin.

Research published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology shows that tranexamic acid is effective in brightening skin and reducing hyperpigmentation. This is because the acid in tranexamic acid can interfere with melanin production.

2. Overcoming melasma.

A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that topical use of tranexamic acid can significantly reduce melasma.

3. Disguise acne scars.

The skincare content tranexamic acid is also effective in reducing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, such as acne scars.

4. Evens out skin tone.

Tranexamic acid helps even out overall skin tone, providing a brighter, more uniform appearance. Apart from that, tranexamic acid also provides the benefit of fading dark spots caused by sunlight. Tranexamic acid works by reducing redness, swelling and black spots around the face.

5. Anti-inflammatory.

Apart from its brightening effects, tranexamic acid also has anti-inflammatory properties which help soothe irritated skin.

How the tranexamic acid skincare ingredient works.

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Claimed to be able to treat hyperpigmentation, of course tranexamic acid has a different way of working from other ingredients. Quoting from Allure, tranexamic acid inhibits the transfer of melanin from melanocytes (pigment producing cells) to keratinocytes (skin cells in the upper layer).

Apart from that, tranexamic acid also reduces melanin production by inhibiting the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme which plays an important role in melanin formation.

Furthermore, tranexamic acid suppresses inflammation. Therefore, the anti-inflammatory properties of tranexamic acid can help reduce inflammation which can trigger hyperpigmentation .

How to use tranexamic acid skincare ingredients.

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Quoting from Byrdie, how to use tranexamic acid skincare products can be used at night and in the morning. This depends on the product formulation and skincare routine.

Before using tranexamic acid skincare products, you need to know several tricks, including:

1. Start with a low concentration and increase gradually to avoid irritation.

2. Use after cleansing your face and before moisturizing.

3. Combine with sunscreen during the day for optimal results.

4. Can be combined with other brightening ingredients such as vitamin C or niacinamide.

5. Keep in mind that although tranexamic acid is generally safe for all skin types, it is always recommended to do a patch test before using a new product.
