Skin aging is also influenced by external factors such as exposure to UV rays.

  8 Februari 2025 05:00 - Aging is a natural process in which organs, including the skin, experience decreased function as we age. On the face, this is seen from the loss of skin elasticity, causing wrinkles and fine lines. Decreased production of collagen and elastin, two main proteins that maintain skin firmness, is the main factor causing it.

In addition to biological factors, skin aging is also influenced by external factors such as exposure to UV rays, pollution, and unhealthy lifestyles, including smoking, stress, and lack of sleep. These bad habits can accelerate the appearance of signs of aging and reduce overall skin quality.

However, premature aging can be slowed down with natural treatments. One solution that can be tried is a mixture of honey, turmeric, and aloe vera. This concoction is known to have benefits in moisturizing, rejuvenating, and protecting the skin from aging, as demonstrated by @ ritu.singh27 on Instagram and reported by , Tuesday (4/2).

Honey itself is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can maintain healthy skin. This is due to the enzyme and antioxidant content in honey which is effective in stimulating the growth of new skin cells. In addition, honey is also rich in hydration factors that can moisturize the skin while stimulating collagen production, strengthening the skin structure in the process.

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Turmeric, commonly used as a spice in cooking, contains an active component known as curcumin. Curcumin is a type of natural antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to protecting the skin from sun damage, which is often the main cause of premature aging, curcumin also has the ability to maintain the skin's protective layer, giving it a healthier appearance.

Tricks to tighten loose skin  Instagram


Meanwhile, the gel from the aloe vera plant has long been known as a source of various beneficial compounds, including vitamins (A, C, and E), minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and polysaccharides. Through these components, aloe vera is able to supply deep skin moisture and encourage collagen production in the skin. As a result, aloe vera can help reduce signs of aging on the skin and restore its elasticity.

So, you can use the three ingredients above in the following way.

Tools and materials:

1. 2 Teaspoons of aloe vera gel
2. 1 teaspoon of pure honey
3. 1 teaspoon of turmeric
4. Small container
5. Ice molds

Work steps:

Tricks to tighten loose skin  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ritu.singh27

1. Put 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel in a small container.
2. Pour 1 teaspoon of pure honey after that.
3. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to the two ingredients.
4. Stir all ingredients until well blended.
5. After that, put this mixture into ice molds and freeze in the refrigerator.
6. When it has frozen, take 1 piece of ice and apply it to your face while massaging gently.
7. Leave it for a maximum of 10 minutes afterward.
8. When it is sufficient, rinse with water until clean of residue.
