This problem occurs due to excessive friction.

  27 Januari 2025 19:00 - Feet are a part of the body that is always active and often exposed to external factors, such as sunlight, wind, dust, and pollution. Daily activities that involve friction on the skin of the feet often make the soles and heels prone to problems such as dryness and cracking.

This problem occurs because excessive friction and exposure to external factors can reduce the protective layer of the skin that maintains natural moisture. In fact, moisture in the soles and heels tends to be less than other parts of the body. As a result, the skin on the heels becomes dry, rough, and easily cracked.

Unfortunately, some people try to solve this problem in the wrong way, such as peeling the skin carelessly. This action can cause pain, wounds, and even infections. As a safer alternative, you can use natural ingredients to treat your heels. For example, a mixture of strawberries, lemon, and honey, as shared by the Instagram account @beautystudio and reported by on Friday (24/1). This mixture helps moisturize the skin, remove dead skin cells, and restore softness to the heels.

Lemon extract is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C has natural bleaching properties that can help reduce dirt on heels that have darkened due to cracks. In addition, citric acid in lemons can also help the skin regeneration process by exfoliating dead skin cells. This in the process will make the skin of the feet smoother and brighter.

Rough heels become smooth  Instagram


Honey is a natural ingredient that has effective properties in moisturizing the skin. This is because the glucose and fructose content in honey can deeply nourish the skin so that it not only helps maintain skin moisture, but also helps fight infections with its antimicrobial properties. Honey also contains alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) which help exfoliate dead skin cells so that it can smooth the skin slowly.

Rough heels become smooth  Instagram


You can use the three ingredients above in the following ways.

Tools and materials:

1. 3-4 strawberries
2. Pure honey to taste
3. 1/2 piece of lemon
4. Large container
5. Thin plastic

Rough heels become smooth  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@beautystudio

Work steps:

1. Mash 3-5 strawberries using a fork in a large bowl.
2. Add a little pure honey afterward.
3. Squeeze the juice from 1/2 a lemon into the container.
4. Stir all the ingredients until well mixed.
5. Leave the problematic area of the heel in the container for a few moments.
6. Cover the heels of the feet that have been smeared with this mixture with thin plastic, and let it sit for at least 10 minutes.
7. When you feel it is enough, rinse your feet thoroughly and apply your chosen moisturizer afterwards.
