Walking barefoot or wearing shoes can actually cause cracked heels.

  26 Januari 2025 07:00

Brilio.net - Cracked and rough heels are often considered trivial, even though this condition can interfere with appearance and cause discomfort. This problem occurs because the heels and soles of the feet do not have sweat glands, so they tend to dry out easily. Age factors, lack of hydration, and bad habits such as walking barefoot or wearing ill-fitting shoes can also worsen this condition.

To overcome cracked and rough heels, you can use natural ingredients. One of them is as shared by the TikTok account @skyorganics. In her uploaded video, she shows how to use jojoba oil, lavender oil, and shea butter to moisturize and smooth your heels. This simple recipe can help nourish your heels naturally, making them smooth and healthy again.

Smooth cracked and rough heels using 2 types of oil Various sources

photo: freepik.com

Jojoba oil is an oil extract obtained from the seeds of the jojoba fruit plant. This plant is commonly found in North America and is now spread throughout the world with its use in various care products.

Jojoba contains many vitamins and minerals that are important for the body. Some of them are vitamins E, C, B, zinc, and copper. In addition, this oil also contains erucic acid, eicosenoic acid, and oleic acid. Some compounds found in jojoba oil are able to absorb into the skin well .

Some of these compounds will protect the moisture in the skin by locking the good content in the skin cells. Jojoba oil can also help prevent the appearance of dry skin, even cracked and rough heels can also be overcome.

One of the natural ingredients commonly used as a skin moisturizer is shea butter. This benefit is obtained from the fat content of shea nuts which consists of linoleic, stearic, oleic, and palmitic acids. When applied to the skin, the essential oils in shea butter will be quickly absorbed and make the skin feel moist and soft. In addition, this natural ingredient can also heal cracked and rough heels, as well as dry lips.

Likewise, lavender oil can help smooth the skin and overcome dry skin to cracks and chapping. This is thanks to the antioxidant and vitamin E content in it which can improve skin conditions while stimulating new skin regeneration.

Smooth cracked and rough heels using 2 types of oil Various sources

photo: TikTok/@skyorganics

The three ingredients mentioned above can be used as a heel balm that helps smooth cracked and rough heels. In fact, you will feel the effects in just one night. Here's how to make it.


1. 1 teaspoon shea butter
2. 2 drops of jojoba oil
3. 3 drops of lavender oil

Smooth cracked and rough heels using 2 types of oil Various sources

photo: TikTok/@skyorganics

How to make:

1. Pour the ingredients mentioned above into a container.
2. Stir all three until evenly mixed.
3. Apply to heels thoroughly.
4. Massage gently so that the balm is better absorbed.
5. Wear socks and leave them on overnight.
6. Use your homemade heel balm regularly every night before going to bed to get smooth, crack-free heels.
