foto: TikTok/@nayonatips

Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get a firm, wrinkle-free face.

  6 Maret 2024 15:11 - Wrinkles on the face are a sign of skin aging which generally appear when a person reaches the age of 30 years and over. Usually wrinkles will be very visible when someone expresses themselves. Such as smiling, frowning, and squinting. The appearance of these wrinkles will become more obvious as a person ages.

Apart from wrinkles, usually the face will also experience other signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and the appearance of black spots in several areas of the face. Not without reason, this condition occurs because the skin loses its ability to maintain its firmness. The reason is, collagen and elastin in the skin will decrease as a person ages.

Although it is generally caused by age, in fact wrinkles can also appear more quickly. Even when someone is still young. This occurs due to several factors such as excessive sun exposure, air pollution, weather changes, dry skin, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Even though it is a normal skin problem, many people are not confident about the presence of wrinkles on their face. That's why many people are looking for ways to tighten facial wrinkles. Starting from having treatments at beauty clinics, using various antiaging skincare products, to using natural ingredients.

One of the most frequently performed beauty treatments to tighten the face is thread lift. A thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure to tighten the skin in the facial area. During a thread lift procedure, a cosmetic surgeon uses threads to pull areas of the skin in an effort to reduce sagging skin that causes an aged appearance.

Thread lift treatment is indeed an effective solution for dealing with wrinkles on the face. But unfortunately not everyone can do this treatment. The relatively expensive price is an obstacle for most people. Another solution, you can use natural ingredients as an antiaging face mask.

As shared by a woman wearing a hijab via her personal TikTok account @nayonatips on February 9 2024. The video contains how to tighten wrinkled faces using only 3 kitchen ingredients. The kitchen ingredients in question are tomatoes, honey and turmeric powder.

"A simple mask concoction to smooth wrinkles and even out skin tone, using tomato juice as a simple ingredient, suitable for beginners (A simple mask concoction to smooth wrinkles and even out skin tone, using the simple ingredient tomato juice, suitable for beginners)," wrote the woman wears a hijab in the caption of the uploaded video, which reported from the TikTok account @nayonatips, Wednesday (6/3).

Tighten the wrinkled face of a woman wearing a hijab. Various sources


Tomato content to overcome wrinkles on the face.

Tomatoes are a fruit that is widely consumed because they have various benefits for skin health and beauty. Especially makes skin bright, smooth, firm and youthful. This is thanks to the lycopene content in tomatoes which is effective in treating various problems related to skin aging. According to the journal Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, the lycopene content in tomatoes is believed to prevent changes in skin color, changes in texture and fine lines as well as reducing wrinkles in the facial area.

The benefits of honey to prevent signs of facial aging.

Honey is also a natural ingredient that can be used to tighten the face. The very rich vitamin and mineral content in honey is believed to help soothe the skin and remove fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars and black spots on the skin. Not only that, the antioxidant content in honey is also effective in delaying the skin aging process and making it look youthful.

Turmeric contains curcumin which can treat wrinkles.

According to Healthline, the benefits of turmeric in terms of health, including beauty, are due to the bioactive component curcumin contained in it. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The antioxidants in turmeric can treat and reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face. The benefits of turmeric for the face are obtained because turmeric can increase collagen production.

With just these three natural ingredients, you can make a mask that is believed to be able to tighten a wrinkled face to make it look youthful. Come on, see how to make and use it below.

Tighten the wrinkled face of a woman wearing a hijab. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@nayonatips


- 1 tomato
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 tablespoon turmeric powder

How to create and use:

1. Puree the tomatoes first.
2. Add honey and turmeric powder then stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed.
3. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and remaining makeup.
4. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly.

Tighten the wrinkled face of a woman wearing a hijab. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@nayonatips

5. Leave it for 15 minutes then rinse using warm water and continue with cold water until clean.
6. Continue using moisturizer.
7. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get a firm, wrinkle-free face.

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