
This selection of order turns out to have a significant influence on the effectiveness of the skin care products used.

  7 September 2024 20:00 - Proper facial care is one of the important keys to getting healthy, clean, and radiant skin. Many people are starting to realize the importance of a regular skincare routine, including the use of facial masks.

Face masks have long been an essential part of beauty rituals, whether to address specific skin concerns like acne and dullness, or to provide extra hydration and nutrition. But one question that often comes up is, "mask first or skincare first?"

This question is often confusing, especially for those who are just starting to take skin care more seriously. Should a face mask be used before or after other skincare routines such as serum, toner, or moisturizer?

The selection of this order turns out to have a significant influence on the effectiveness of the skincare products used. Therefore, understanding when is the right time to use a face mask helps maximize the benefits of each step of your skincare routine.

To avoid taking the wrong steps, you can read the information below as summarized by from various sources, Saturday (7/9).

Why is skincare sequence important?

mask first or skincare first


Before we get into the proper order, its important to understand why its crucial. According to Dr. Annie Chiu, a board-certified dermatologist cited by Healthline, the order in which you apply your skincare products affects the absorption and effectiveness of the active ingredients. Improper application can reduce the benefits or even cause irritation.

7 The right order of skincare.

mask first or skincare first


Here's the order experts recommend, including information on when to use a mask:

1. Facial cleanser.

Start by cleansing your face to remove dirt, oil, and makeup residue. This prepares your skin for the products that follow.

2. Toner.

Apply toner to balance skin pH and provide initial hydration.

3. Serum.

Use a serum that contains active ingredients such as vitamin C or hyaluronic acid. Its light texture allows for optimal absorption.

4. Mask (Optional).

Heres the answer to the question mask first or skincare first. Masks should be applied after cleansing and toning, but before other skincare products. Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research at Mount Sinai Hospital dermatology, suggests using a mask 1-3 times a week, depending on your skin type and needs.

5. Eye cream.

Gently apply eye cream to the area around the eyes to target specific concerns such as dark circles or fine lines.

6. Moisturizer.

Use a moisturizer to lock in the moisture and nutrients from the previous products.

7. Sunscreen (Daytime).

For your morning routine, finish with sunscreen to protect your skin from UV exposure.

When is the right time to use a mask?

mask first or skincare first


Face masks can be used one to three times a week, depending on your skin type and specific needs. Here are some tips for using a mask:

- Sheet mask: Use after toner and before serum.
- Clay mask: Apply after cleansing and before toner.
- Sleeping mask: Use as the last step of your nightly routine, replacing moisturizer.

Adjustment based on skin type.

Dr. Hadley King, a clinical dermatologist in New York City, emphasizes the importance of tailoring your routine to your skin type:

- Oily Skin: Focus on non-comedogenic products and use a clay mask to control excess oil.
- Dry skin: Prioritize hydration with a hyaluronic serum and a moisturizing sheet mask.
- Sensitive skin: Choose hypoallergenic products and do a patch test before using a new mask.

Common mistakes in skincare order.

mask first or skincare first


If you already know the sequence of using masks and the benefits of using them, now you need to know common mistakes in skincare sequences. There are several errors you need to know, including:

1. Using a mask after moisturizer, which reduces its effectiveness.
2. Applying serum after moisturizer, which inhibits the absorption of active ingredients.
3. Not giving each product time to absorb before moving on to the next step.

Well, answering the question "mask first or skincare first", experts suggest including masks in your routine after cleansing and toning, but before other skincare products. By following the right order and adjusting to your skin's needs. In addition, you can maximize the benefits of each skincare product used.

Remember that consistency is key in skincare. Following these steps consistently and paying attention to how your skin responds to the products you use will help you achieve optimal results in the long run.
