
By consistently using these three products, you can build a strong skin barrier.

  28 Agustus 2024 22:10 - In an era where skincare has become an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, you may often be faced with a variety of skincare product choices that are sometimes confusing. From serums that promise radiant skin to essences that claim to eliminate wrinkles, the skincare market is filled with various products that attract attention. However, amid the hustle and bustle of ever-changing beauty trends, dermatologists and skincare experts continue to emphasize the importance of returning to the basics of skincare.

Although many people are interested in trying the latest skincare products, there are actually 3 must-have skincare products that should not be missed in your daily skincare routine. These products are not just a momentary trend, but have been scientifically proven to have long-term benefits for skin health and beauty.

Why is it so important to focus on these 3 essential skincare products? The answer lies in the basic function of each product that works synergistically to protect, maintain, and care for the skin. By consistently using these three products, you can build a strong skin barrier, maintain optimal moisture, and protect the skin from damage caused by environmental factors.

So what are the 3 essential skincare products that need to be used? Here is the complete information, as summarized by from various sources, Wednesday (28/8).

1. Facial cleanser (cleanser).

3 skincare musts  2024


Facial cleanser is the first and most important step in the 3 skincare must-haves recommended by experts. Quoting from, Wednesday (8/28), Dr. Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, emphasized the importance of cleaning the face properly.

Cleansing your face can remove dirt, excess oil, and makeup residue. In addition, it prevents clogged pores that can cause acne. Prepares the skin to absorb other skincare products better

Tips for choosing a facial cleanser:

1. Adjust to your skin type (dry, oily, combination, or sensitive).
2. Choose a cleanser with a balanced pH to maintain the skin barrier.
3. Avoid cleansers that contain excess sulfates which can dry out the skin.

Dr. Zeichner recommends a water-based facial cleanser for normal to oily skin, and a gentle cream cleanser for dry or sensitive skin.

2. Moisturizer.

3 skincare musts  2024


Moisturizer is the second product in the 3 must-have skincare products that should not be missed. Dr. Whitney Bowe, a leading dermatologist in New York, emphasizes that moisturizer is key to maintaining a healthy skin barrier.

In addition, using a moisturizer can help hydrate and moisturize the skin. Even preventing water evaporation from the skin (transepidermal water loss).

Tips for choosing a moisturizer:

1. For oily skin, choose a gel-based moisturizer or light lotion.
2. For dry skin, choose a richer moisturizer containing ceramides or hyaluronic acid.
3. Look for a moisturizer that contains antioxidants for added protection.

Dr. Bowe recommends applying moisturizer to damp skin after cleansing to lock in moisture.

3. Sunscreen.

3 skincare musts  2024


Sunscreen is the last but most crucial product in the 3 skincare must-haves according to experts. Dr. Hadley King, a clinical dermatologist in New York City, calls sunscreen the most important anti-aging product you can use.

The importance of using sunscreen is probably already known to many people, namely protecting the skin from the sun. However, in addition, sunscreen can prevent hyperpigmentation and dark spots, reduce the risk of skin cancer, and slow down signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.

Tips for choosing and using sunscreen.

1. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
2. Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB.
3. Apply sunscreen every day, even when indoors.
4. Reapply sunscreen every 2-3 hours, especially when doing outdoor activities.

Dr. King recommends using a physical sunscreen (containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) for safer and more effective protection.

Optimizing the use of 3 essential skincare products.

For best results, experts recommend some additional tips in using these 3 must-have skincare products:

1. Consistency is key. Use all three products every day, morning and night (except the sunscreen which is only used in the morning).

2. The order of use is important. Start with a cleanser, continue with a moisturizer, and finish with sunscreen (in the morning).

3. Give each product time to be absorbed by the skin before moving on to the next product.

4. Don't forget the neck and behind the ears when applying the product.

5. Adjust products to seasonal changes or skin conditions.
