foto: TikTok/@thyarassii

Excessive or intense use of peels can cause skin irritation or sensitivity.

  28 Agustus 2024 18:09 - Peeling serum is a skincare product designed to help remove dead skin cells. Not only that, this product is also effective in improving skin texture and improving the overall appearance of the skin.

Peeling serums typically contain active ingredients such as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), or natural enzymes that work to gently exfoliate the top layer of skin. Regular use can help address issues like hyperpigmentation and acne, and reveal smoother, more radiant skin.

However, it is important to use peeling serum according to the instructions and not to overdo it, as too frequent or intense use can cause skin irritation or sensitivity. Also, always use sunscreen every day to protect your newly peeled skin from sun exposure that can cause further damage.

The evening skincare sequence uses the right peeling serum to get glowing skin on TikTok

photo: TikTok/@thyarassii

Well, you can imitate the correct sequence of night skincare using peeling serum for glowing skin, as shared by TikTok user with the account name @thyarassii. Come on, see the following sequence, which has launched on Wednesday (8/28).

First, do a double cleansing first to make sure your face is completely clean from dirt and makeup residue. Next, apply your favorite peeling serum (the account owner uses Elformula). Spread it evenly over your face and let it sit for 60 seconds.

The evening skincare sequence uses the right peeling serum to get glowing skin on TikTok

photo: TikTok/@thyarassii

Then, rinse with water until clean. Then, continue by applying hydrating toner to the entire face. This is done to create a calming effect while moisturizing the skin. After waiting for the hydrating toner to absorb, you can continue with the use of hydrating serum.

The evening skincare sequence uses the right peeling serum to get glowing skin on TikTok

photo: TikTok/@thyarassii

Hydrating serum is useful for nourishing the skin, preventing redness, and making the skin feel supple and moist. Finally, apply a moisturizer that has a light and gentle texture, to lock in the previous skincare without making the face feel sticky.

"If you exfoliate at night, don't forget to use sunscreen tomorrow morning," concluded the account owner.

The evening skincare sequence uses the right peeling serum to get glowing skin on TikTok

photo: TikTok/@thyarassii
