
This natural method is believed to help brighten yellow teeth.

  22 Februari 2024 21:10 - Apart from toothache, common problems that many people often experience are yellow teeth and bad breath. This condition can reduce a person's self-confidence, because it can interfere with aesthetics and comfort. It's not surprising that many people are looking for ways to whiten their teeth and overcome bad breath. Please note that according to Healthline, many factors cause teeth to become dull and lose their white shine.

Certain foods can stain tooth enamel, which is the outer layer of teeth. In addition, plaque buildup on the teeth can cause the teeth to appear yellow. This type of discoloration can usually be resolved with regular cleaning and bleaching. Indeed, the main way to deal with yellow teeth is to brush them regularly with toothpaste.

However, some bad habits such as smoking or drinking coffee make it difficult to keep your teeth white. Apart from teeth that appear yellow, sometimes bad breath also occurs because of this habit. Generally, bad breath occurs due to food residue, bacteria and dirt in the mouth. Leftover food in the mouth will be destroyed by bacteria, causing an unpleasant odor.

These two problems make whoever suffers from them feel less self-confident, so many people are looking for ways to whiten yellow teeth and overcome bad breath. One way is to use natural ingredients. Not a few people use lemon and salt to overcome the problem of yellow teeth and bad breath.

In fact, there are other ingredients that are effective for treating and preventing these two oral problems, you know. Like the upload shared by the TikTok account @eatmoverest on June 8 2020. The post contains tricks for whitening yellow teeth and dealing with bad breath using coconut oil. Not only coconut oil, he also added another ingredient, namely baking soda.

Ingredients and benefits of coconut oil for yellow teeth and bad breath.

The benefits of coconut oil for maintaining healthy teeth and mouth have apparently been known since ancient times. This use is known as oil pulling, which was first discovered in India. Although it cannot be used as the only treatment for dental problems, the lauric acid content in coconut oil has been proven to prevent various dental problems.

Whiten yellow teeth and overcome bad breath. Various sources


Lauric acid is a type of fatty acid that is most effective at killing bacteria compared to other types of acid. Coconut oil may not be used to whiten teeth directly. However, coconut oil has benefits as a bacteria killer and prevention of cavities.

This means that this fluid also prevents tooth discoloration that accompanies this condition. The monolaurin content in coconut oil has been proven to suppress the growth of oral bacteria so that bad breath can be overcome.

Baking soda can also whiten teeth and eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath.

Baking soda is known to have benefits for whitening yellow teeth. Baking soda has natural whitening properties so it is often added to toothpaste products. Research in The Journal of Clinical Dentistry found that toothpaste containing baking soda is more effective at removing yellow stains.

This cake material has mild abrasive properties so it can remove stains on the surface of teeth. Baking soda also creates an alkaline environment in the mouth that prevents the growth of bacteria. Even baking soda is also effective in killing bacteria that cause bad breath.

With these two ingredients, you can use them as a concoction to whiten yellow teeth and bad breath. Here's how to make it, reported by from TikTok/@eatmoverest on Thursday (22/2).

Whiten yellow teeth and overcome bad breath. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@eatmoverest


1. 1/3 cup baking soda
2. 3 tablespoons coconut oil
3. Essential oils (optional)

Whiten yellow teeth and overcome bad breath. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@eatmoverest

How to make:

1. Mix the two ingredients mentioned in the container
2. Stir both until evenly mixed
3. Take a sufficient amount of the mixture of the two ingredients and place it on your toothbrush
4. You can add essential oils to add a fresh aroma to your mouth
5. Use it to brush your teeth, prioritize between the teeth
6. Rinse by gargling with water until clean
7. Continue by brushing your teeth again using toothpaste
8. Use this concoction regularly 2-3 times a week for optimal results.

@eatmoverest Homemade Teeth Whitener! Only 2 ingredients #chemicalfree #teethwhitening #smile #holistichealth #diy #homeremedy #beauty #teeth #vegan Summer Days - Martin Garrix / Macklemore / Patrick Stump

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