foto: YouTube/@HerbalTV

Apart from being caused by injury, a lack of vitamins C and K makes a person more susceptible to bruising.

  16 Mei 2024 22:10 - Bruising on the hands is a common thing that can happen to anyone. However, the appearance of this condition on exposed parts of the body makes a number of people feel uncomfortable. This is because bruises produce a gray or slightly bluish color, making the appearance of the skin unattractive.

There are several factors that cause bruises to appear on the hands. Generally, physical trauma or direct injury to the hand, such as a collision, fall, or minor accident - hitting a table or door. This condition causes small blood vessels under the skin to burst, allowing blood to seep into the surrounding tissue and causing discoloration.

Apart from being caused by injury, a lack of vitamins C and K makes a person more susceptible to bruising. Vitamin C is important for collagen production which strengthens blood vessels, while vitamin K plays a role in the blood clotting process.

On the other hand, medical conditions such as hemophilia or von Willebrand disease can cause blood clotting disorders, which makes sufferers bruise more easily. This condition is often characterized by bruising that appears for no apparent reason or bleeding that is difficult to stop.

To relieve blue bruises on your hands, you can treat them by applying concoctions made from natural ingredients. As done by YouTuber @HerbalTV, he uses one type of spice, namely galangal combined with rice.

Galangal is a herbal plant that has various healing properties. Reporting from, Thursday (16/5) galangal contains active compounds such as flavonoids and polyphenols which have anti-inflammatory properties - helping reduce inflammation and swelling that often occurs in bruised areas. Galangal also has an analgesic or natural pain reliever effect, so it helps reduce pain caused by bruises.

Meanwhile, rice flour has the ability to absorb excess liquid and moisture. This helps reduce swelling in the bruised area. Rice contains allantoin which has skin-soothing properties and helps relieve irritation. Not only that, the allantoin content is very useful in relieving pain associated with bruises. Rice is rich in antioxidants which help protect skin cells from damage and speed up the skin regeneration process.

Well, those are the benefits you can get so that the blue bruises on your hands subside. So how do you make and use it? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the information below as compiled from the YouTube channel @HerbalTV, Thursday (16/5).


How to reduce blue bruises on the skin of the hands from various sources

how to reduce blue bruises on the skin of the hands

- 1 kencur segment
- 3 tablespoons rice
- 1 glass of water

How to make:

How to reduce blue bruises on the skin of the hands from various sources

how to reduce blue bruises on the skin of the hands

1. Clean the galangal from the skin and wash
2. Cut the galangal into three parts
3. Put the galangal and rice into a mortar
4. Pour some water
5. Blend all ingredients by pounding
6. The potion is ready for you to use.

How to use:

How to reduce blue bruises on the skin of the hands from various sources

how to reduce blue bruises on the skin of the hands

1. Make sure the bruised skin on your hand is clean and dry
2. Apply the mixture to the bruise
3. Leave it for up to 20 minutes
4. Rinse using normal water
5. Repeat the use of this concoction regularly so that the blue bruises on the skin of the hands subside and disappear.
