foto: YouTube/fitnessbestie706 - Having hair that grows thick, smooth and healthy is everyone's dream, not only women but men too. Not without reason, this hair is a part of the body that has quite an impact on appearance.
Thick hair can indeed make you more attractive. But unfortunately problems such as bald hair sometimes become an obstacle to you looking beautiful or charming. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are looking for ways to grow bald hair.
Well, the causes of bald hair come from various factors. First, hormonal changes usually occur during pregnancy, menopause, and others. These hormonal changes that occur in a person cause hair loss and can even trigger baldness.
The next factor is a stressed body condition or uncontrolled emotions. This stress can indirectly trigger the telogen effluvium condition in which the hair falls out in large amounts.
Another factor is unhealthy eating patterns. Lack of nutrients, such as vitamin D, iron, and protein can affect hair health and growth.
On the other hand, the hair loss process goes through several stages. You need to know, hair growth goes through three phases in the growth cycle, namely the growth phase (anagen), the transition phase (catagen), and the resting phase (telogen). Each strand of hair is in a different phase at a certain time. Under normal conditions, hair falls out around 50-100 strands per day as part of the telogen phase.
Well, some of the cycles above can interfere with hair growth. When a person experiences telogen effluvium due to physical or emotional stress, many hairs enter the resting phase earlier than the cycle should. This condition causes excessive hair loss in a short time.
You must address the above situations immediately. The reason is that if it is not treated immediately, the process of hair loss can occur continuously and result in permanent baldness.
To grow bald hair, you need to do regular maintenance. One of them is taking care of the body, namely regularly consuming juice made from a mixture of natural ingredients.
This is what YouTube user fitnessbestie706 did, in a video that lasts a few seconds he uses curry leaves and amla fruit. These two ingredients certainly have a number of benefits for hair health.
Can curry leaves grow bald hair?Curry leaves or murraya koenigii are herbal plants originating from India. In Indonesia, curry leaves are more commonly known as koja leaves or temurui. This is usually widely used in Acehnese and Malay culinary delights.
Not only used in cooking mixtures, curry leaves have benefits for your health and hair growth, you know. Not without reason, curry leaves are believed to contain ingredients in the form of antioxidants and amino acids. This content helps to increase bald hair growth.
The presence of beta carotene, protein and amino acids in this ingredient is useful for stimulating hair follicles. This content is also able to strengthen hair roots, so it can reduce hair loss.
In fact, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of curry leaves can help maintain a healthy scalp, prevent dandruff, and reduce irritation that can cause hair loss. Not only that, curry leaves are also believed to contain vitamin B, vitamin C and iron which are beneficial for scalp health.
Not only curry leaves, this juice also contains amla fruit as an additional ingredient. Amla fruit or commonly known as Indian gooseberry is a fruit that is known to be rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.
These ingredients are believed to be able to stimulate hair follicles and encourage new hair growth. Meanwhile, amla fruit contains compounds that help strengthen hair roots, thereby reducing the risk of hair loss.
Meanwhile, the antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties help maintain scalp health and eliminate dandruff. Then, the fatty acid content in amla is able to maintain hair moisture naturally.
Those are a number of benefits from the two ingredients that you need to get, so how do you grow bald hair? For those of you who are curious, let's look at the steps shared by YouTube user fitnessbestie706, Tuesday (27/2).
photo: YouTube/fitnessbestie706
- 1 amla
- 7 to 8 curry leaves
- 1 glass of water.
How to create and use:
photo: YouTube/fitnessbestie706
1. Wash the amla fruit and curry leaves first
2. Chop the amla fruit and put it in a blender
3. Put the curry leaves into the container
4. Pour water
photo: YouTube/fitnessbestie706
5. Blend all ingredients
6. Pour into a new glass
7. You can now consume this concoction
8. Consume every day for hair to grow thick again.