foto: YouTube/@Beauty.Secret1

Tartar that is left without treatment can cause dental and mouth problems.

  26 Februari 2024 20:45 - Apart from yellow teeth, tartar is a common problem experienced by most people. The main cause of dental problems is plaque buildup caused by a lack of proper dental hygiene. Well, the plaque that accumulates will harden over time. If not treated immediately, this condition will cause several new problems, such as bad breath, toothache, and even inflammation of the gums.

The presence of tartar that accumulates in the mouth is caused by several factors. Most often experienced by a number of people is the habit of consuming foods and drinks that are high in sugar and acid. Examples are soft drinks, tea, coffee, candy and chocolate, or fast food. Well, all these foods and drinks can cause a buildup of bacteria and plaque.

Bad habits, such as being lazy about maintaining oral hygiene, are also a major factor in tartar. You need to know that the main key to keeping your teeth free from tartar and stains is maintaining cleanliness. The method is to brush or rinse your mouth with a mouthwash product , at least twice a day.

However, if this has been done and the tartar has not fallen off, you can start treatment by using a kitchen ingredient, namely lemon. The ingredients commonly used in this cooking mixture contain natural whitening properties that can brighten teeth naturally. Apart from that, the antibacterial content in lemon also helps to reduce bacteria in the teeth.

Apart from lemon, additional ingredients in the form of banana peel contain several minerals such as potassium and magnesium. These two ingredients are able to strengthen teeth and gums.

Lemon can also treat yellow teeth and reduce bad breath.

As a fruit that is high in acid content, lemon is believed to be able to erode the bacteria that cause yellow teeth. The pH content of citrus fruit is also able to maintain oral and dental health, you know. Apart from that, the antibacterial content in it also functions to kill bacteria that cause yellow stains and clean teeth naturally. Well, the antibacterial in it will also prevent the development of bacteria that cause bad breath.

Lemon can reduce gum inflammation and toothache.

So far, gargling with salt water has been a solution to treat gingivitis and toothache. This is because salt contains antibacterials and antiseptics which can treat various teeth and gum problems. No less effective than salt, lemon also contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties which are effective in killing bacteria or germs that cause gum inflammation and toothache. You can gargle with lemon juice dissolved in warm water.

Those are the benefits you can get from lemon and banana peels. Interested in using it? Come on, take a look at the steps shared by YouTube user @Beauty.Secret1 as reported by , Monday (26/2).

Fade tartar lemon

photo: YouTube/@Beauty.Secret1


1. 1 banana peel
2. 1 lemon
3. 1 teaspoon of toothpaste.

Fade tartar lemon

photo: YouTube/@Beauty.Secret1

How to make:

1. Scrape the banana skin first and put it in a bowl.
2. Chop the banana peel using a knife until it has a smooth texture.
3. Pour lemon juice into the ingredients.
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
5. Add one teaspoon of toothpaste.
6. Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed.
7. Then, apply it to your teeth using a clean brush.
8. Brush your teeth for approximately five minutes.
9. After that, rinse your mouth using clean water.

That was the trick for fading tartar using only kitchen ingredients that you can use at home. So that the plaque on your teeth falls off instantly, use this trick regularly, namely twice a week.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.