
Skin needs time to adjust when we change skincare.

  13 Agustus 2024 21:10 - Taking care of facial skin is a long-term investment for health and beauty. As time goes by, our skin needs change, and we may feel the need to change the skincare products we use. However, the question that often arises is how many days should we change skincare? Changes in skincare routines are not something that can be done carelessly, and understanding the right time to adapt is very important.

Our skin is our bodys largest organ and has a complex defense mechanism. When we introduce new products into our skincare routine, our skin needs time to adjust. Changing products too quickly or using too many new products at once can cause a range of problems, from mild irritation to severe breakouts.

Time to change skincare .

How many days do you need to change your skincare  2024


Then how many days is the ideal interval between skincare changes? The answer can vary depending on the type of product, the active ingredients contained in it, and the individual's skin condition. Some products may require a shorter adaptation time, while others can take up to several weeks to show the desired effect.

So, here is a more complete explanation regarding how many days it takes to ideally change skincare products, as summarized by from various sources, Tuesday (13/8).

1. Cleanser.

Your facial cleanser can be replaced in a gap of about 1-2 weeks. Quoting from the American Academy of Dermatology Association according to the explanation of Dr. Joshua Zeichner, Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research at Dermatology Mount Sinai Hospital, explained that Cleanser usually has a lower risk of irritation, so the adaptation period can be shorter.

2. Moisturizer.

You can change moisturizers by giving a gap of about 2-4 weeks. Moisturizers affect the skin's moisture balance, so it takes longer to see the effects.

3. Serum and treatment.

Treatment products such as vitamin C serum or retinol require a longer break, around 4-6 weeks. Quoting Dr. King's explanation from the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, these products often contain strong active ingredients, so the skin needs more time to adapt.

4. Sunscreen.

Meanwhile, for sunscreen you can give a break of about 1-2 weeks. Make sure to pay attention to any negative reactions such as irritation or breakouts.

Tricks to prevent breakouts when changing skincare.

How many days do you need to change your skincare  2024


Changing skincare without seeing the time can cause a number of problems for the face, one of which is breakout. So that you don't experience this, there are several tricks that you can practice, including:

1. Introduce new products gradually.

The first tip you need to do is not to change your entire skincare routine at once. Introduce one new product every 2-4 weeks. This will help you identify which products may be causing problems.

2. Perform a patch test.

Before using a new product all over your face, do a patch test on a small area such as behind your ear or on the inside of your arm. Wait 24-48 hours to see if there is a negative reaction.

3. Start with low frequency.

Products with strong active ingredients such as retinol or AHA, start with a low frequency, for example once or twice a week, then gradually increase.

4. Pay attention to the ingredients.

Quoting from Harvard Health Publishing, Tuesday (13/8) you need to pay attention to the ingredients in new products. Avoid combining too many active ingredients that can cause irritation, such as retinol and AHA/BHA in one routine.

5. Keep your skin moisturized.

When switching skincare products, be sure to keep your skin moisturized. Well-hydrated skin is more resistant to irritation and breakouts.

6. Pay attention to skin condition.

If you have sensitive or problematic skin, change skincare after a few days, it can be longer. To avoid irritation, it is recommended for sensitive skin to give a gap of up to 6 weeks to ensure that the skin really adapts.

7. Stop if irritation occurs.

If you experience irritation, redness, or severe breakouts after using a new product, stop using it and go back to your old, safe product.

8. Consult a dermatologist.

If you are in doubt or have complex skin issues, it is always best to consult a dermatologist before making any major changes to your skincare routine.

Changing skincare after how many days is not an exact science, because every skin has different needs and reactions. However, by following the guide and tricks above, you can minimize the risk of breakouts and maximize the benefits of new skincare products.
