
Even though it is made from natural ingredients that are easy to obtain, the question is, is it safe to use homemade sunscreen at home?

  21 Agustus 2024 21:10 - For those of you who are active on social media, such as TikTok, you may have found content related to facial care. Sometimes there are those who offer several products, skincare tips, and even some who show how to make your own sunscreen at home.

This DIY sunscreen trend has caught the attention of TikTok users. Maybe some of them use this sunscreen as their first protection when going outside. Although it is made from natural ingredients that are easy to get, the question is, is it safe to use homemade sunscreen at home?

So that you don't just do it carelessly and your face doesn't get irritated, let's look at the information you need to know as has collected from various sources, Wednesday (21/8).

Why is sunscreen important?

Dangers of DIY sunscreen at home  2024

Dangers of DIY sunscreen at home

Before discussing DIY sunscreen, it is important to understand why sunscreen is highly recommended. Sunscreen protects the skin from exposure to UV A and UV B rays that can cause various skin problems, ranging from premature aging to skin cancer. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to provide optimal protection.

What is DIY sunscreen at home?

Dangers of DIY sunscreen at home  2024

Dangers of DIY sunscreen at home

DIY sunscreen at home is a trend where people make their own sunscreen using natural ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, zinc oxide, and essential oils. Videos showing how to make DIY sunscreen often mention that these natural ingredients have a certain SPF and can protect the skin from the sun.

These ingredients may have some benefits for the skin, such as moisturizing and providing mild protection from UV rays, but many dermatologists warn that homemade sunscreens cannot guarantee the same level of protection as clinically tested commercial products.

The risks of DIY sunscreen at home.

Dangers of DIY sunscreen at home  2024

Dangers of DIY sunscreen at home

Based on information from Healthline, here are some risks to consider when using DIY sunscreen:

1. There are no clinical trials.

Commercially available sunscreens must go through a series of clinical tests to ensure that they are effective in protecting the skin from UV rays. This involves measuring the exact SPF (Sun Protection Factor) level. Homemade sunscreens do not go through this process, so their effectiveness cannot be guaranteed.

2. Inconsistent SPF.

Natural ingredients commonly used in DIY sunscreens, such as coconut oil or olive oil, do have some natural SPF levels. However, these SPF levels are very low and inconsistent, so they do not provide adequate protection from UV rays.

3. Possible overexposure to UV rays.

Ineffective use of homemade sunscreen can expose your skin to more UV rays than it should, which can increase your risk of sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer.

4. Use of inappropriate materials.

Many DIY sunscreen recipes circulating on TikTok suggest using ingredients that are not recommended for direct skin use or that may cause allergic reactions. Without proper guidance, there is a risk of using ingredients that are harmful or ineffective.

A dermatologist's explanation of DIY sunscreen.

Dangers of DIY sunscreen at home  2024

Dangers of DIY sunscreen at home

Dermatologists strongly warn of the risks of using DIY sunscreen. Quoting from Healthline, Wednesday (8/21) based on the explanation of Dr. Joshua Zeichner, a dermatologist, sunscreen must meet certain standards to ensure that it can protect the skin properly. Commercial sunscreen is designed to spread evenly on the skin and stay in place when exposed to sweat or water. This is very difficult to achieve with homemade sunscreen.

Dr. Zeichner also adds that the natural ingredients in DIY sunscreens may be good for moisturizing your skin, but they arent enough to protect it from UV damage. She strongly recommends sticking with sunscreens that have been tested and approved by regulatory agencies, such as the FDA in the United States.

Safe Alternative: Use Commercial Sunscreen.

If you care about your skin health, using a commercial sunscreen is your best option. Commercial sunscreens have been clinically tested to ensure that they provide effective protection from UV rays. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, which offers broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

In addition, pay attention to applying sunscreen evenly and sufficiently on all areas of skin exposed to sunlight, and repeat the application every two hours or after swimming or sweating.
